Hello Photoshop – Welcome Inspiration

Inspiration came when I was least expecting. I’ve been thinking about all the fun I used to have in my Photoshop class, way back when. One thing led to another and I grabbed up my camera taking simple shots of items around the house. I downloaded the photo’s and jumped in and got so much more than I ever dreamed.

I not only had fun creating different looks with these simple items but a desire to draw completely washed over me.

Here’s what I started sketching today.

The groundwork for the background is in place and the objects are pretty much sketched.

Below are some samples where my inspiration to draw came from (all thanks to Photoshop).

5 thoughts on “Hello Photoshop – Welcome Inspiration

  1. Hi Debbie, good to know you are enjoying Photoshop; love it myself.

    But guess the poor pansy doesn’t inspire you to draw any longer…. is it doomed to remain unfinished? 😉

  2. Hey… IT’S YOU!!! I’m so glad you commented… It’s been too long…

    YES – I did finish that pansy! I know right? I sent you an e-mail this week and I was waiting to hear back from you… My next step was to hunt your blog down… Could you confirm your address for me again.

    I would love to get this in the mail soon so DON’T GIVE UP!

    Blessings – Debbie

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