Property Progress

Hubby and I had another meeting with our builder yesterday afternoon.We had a few minor things to take care of and we wanted to see the progress.The crew finally broke ground yesterday and they’re doing a marvelous job!

They dug out the basement and will pour the footers today – if all goes well!We did get about 4” of snow overnight so we’ll see what happens.

A busy backhoe

Bird’s eye view from the road

Our builder (the woman) checking in with the mason

Walkout basement

After we finished our business at the lot, we met back at one of the builders new homes to get in out of the “cooler” elements to finish up our business with her.Have I mentioned how much we love her – Just can’t help saying it again, she’s the best!

After our meeting we drove back out to the lot to see the progress they made while we were gone. Wow he was moving fast in the seat of that backhoe as he had the footer nearly dug!

We’re hoping they can pour the footer today.The mason mentioned that he could use some sort of “heater” to melt the snow from last night so we’ll see how it goes…I doubt we make a trip up there today.

Hubby was all about going back to that restaurant we found the last time we were up there.It didn’t disappoint.

I caught hubby mid chew.

I can’t get enough sunsets even if all I get is a reflection. I was surprised that I was part of the reflection too.

6 thoughts on “Property Progress

  1. Oh my…I can just feel the excitement!! I’ve built 3 of my homes…and there’s nothing like it!!!

    Your lot is gorgeous and has some awesome views!!!

    Just beautiful Debbie! Oh, I love the photo of the sunset, with you in it!! Very unique.

    Happy New Year to you and Bobby!

    Jan & Tom

  2. Hey Debbie!
    What an exciting year for you both! And what a gorgeous view your new home will have!
    We’ve been reading your posts to catch up with what you’ve been doing….hasn’t time flew by?
    Wishing you all the best for 2009!
    Karla & Karrie

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