Time For Change – Update

Photo taken today after I had yet another cut. I wanted a little more stack in the back. It’s hard to see in the pic but I’m happy with it.

Photo Taken Yesterday

Anyone who knows me knows that when the urge comes for a change, I don’t wait long. When my hairdresser couldn’t squeeze me in this week, I called someone that could take me at a moments notice and this is what we came up with.

It’s very similar to the old bob that I used to wear with just a little stack this time. It’s so much lighter and I won’t be searching for pony tails to get that stuff out of my way. I just wish I had taken my camera to have a picture of all the hair I left behind. I highly doubt I’ll ever see a pile like that of my own ever again. Then again, time will tell.

11 thoughts on “Time For Change – Update

  1. Hi,
    I just found your blog while visiting Sunday baker.
    Love her, blog.
    How ironic that your post was about your new haircut.
    I have an appointment, today to get a similar blunt cut.
    I am obsessive about my hair.
    As well as a product, junkie.
    I love your haircut and hope that mine looks as good, later today.

  2. Wow Debbie…that is adorable!! I’m sure you will love it. Just getting caught up on all my favorite sites, now that our company has all gone home.
    Thanks for the heads-up on Elizabeth’s book. I love her site too!
    And I’m so glad you took photos of the first snow. They were lovely.
    Take care, M.L.

  3. Looks great, but then again your hair always looks great no matter what style you wear. I know what you mean about getting it cut right when you get the urge! I am the same way. I always go extreme too. letting my hair grow then going really short, or going from blonde to auburn or to multi-colors etc. Keeps us young. 🙂

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