Thank Goodness For AAA

It all started last evening when Bobby flew in from MD. When he got to his car it would not turn over. And the next thing he knew all the power in his car was completely gone. For that matter, he couldn’t even get his keys out of the ignition, strange. So I got a call saying honey can you come get me. Of course and I was there to get him in a flash.

So we called AAA this morning and we had his car towed to his mechanics which is about a 40 min drive from the airport. AAA finally arrived and they were able to get his car in neutral and loaded without much trouble and I had the honors of taking Bobby to work.

We decided to stop for a lunch date on the way and bumped into Quinton (the gentleman who is helping Bobby move the sofa). He’s still on for dinner and will be helping Bobby get our sofa tonight. Right after lunch I stopped by Wal-Mart to pick up a few things for dinner and got home in good time this afternoon.

Bobby just learned it was the battery and it was deader than a door nail. He tried jumping it last night for about 15 min and no luck. Bobby was not up to fooling around with it himself especially since he doesn’t have his own garage and he’s happy to let his mechanic get him back on the road with his wheels.

As for me, I’m so happy the house is clean and I’ll be ready for them when they walk through that door. But I had better keep movin’!

Happy Weekend!

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