Wrapping Up Our Week

It seems I’m finally reaching the end of my huge job transferring all of my old posts over. I still have a little ways to go but I’m so happy this job is almost complete. I didn’t realize all the effort it was going to take but its well worth it as I want everything in one spot. So that’s what I’ve been doing pretty much the whole day, transferring posts. I’ve been so obsessed with this and it’s so hard for me to move onto anything else so my plan is to be all caught up and finished over the weekend.

Our plans to move our sofa last night were changed due to the owners having to go out of town for her father’s emergency visit to the hospital. So we are back on schedule to get our sofa tomorrow evening. And Quinton has agreed to help with the move and I’ve agreed to make dinner and Bobby’s agreed to play the Wii with him per Quinton’s request. I’m sure Quinton didn’t need to twist Bobby’s arm for that. So that’s our plan for tomorrow evening.

Bobby is off to Maryland today and will be flying back home tonight. And that about wraps us up for the day. Oh and I’ve been watching the pretty snow fall this afternoon, I’m loving it!

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