Bobby and I took off this morning towards the
I’m not sure if you remember me talking about ruining the blower several weeks ago? Well, several weeks ago, I added 100% gasoline to the blower tank instead of using the gas/oil combo. The blower worked fine the first week. The next week I added 100% more gas to the tank and then is when the blower started acting up so I decided to turn it off. I could smell nasty fumes which really did smell like I blew it up. And the motor was going a little wacko. When I told Bobby about the blower incident, His first question was, “what kind of gas did you use?” Go figure; I used the wrong stuff and we thought that was the end of the blower.
Bobby didn’t give up so quickly on our dear blower as he worked on it yesterday and poured the gasoline out of the tank and doctored the “I don’t know what” (basically the guts) with the gas/oil combination. Then he poured the gas/oil combination into the tank and it fired right up and it runs beautifully. He’s genius!
On our way home from getting the tires for my lawn mower, we just had to stop for lunch. I love these kinds of dates and we enjoyed a wonderful lunch together just the two of us at our favorite Mexican restaurant.
Now Bobby’s off with Lauren to do daddy daughter stuff and I’m getting ready to go have my nails done. I plan to do a Home Depot run and a grocery store run at some point this afternoon. It’s a great weekend of getting many things accomplished.