Halloween Fun

Bobby loves Halloween and greeting all the kids from our community. There are a couple events that stand out in my mind from last night.

Ding Dong, a little pause before Bobby gets to the door when I hear Bobby say “Here Kitty Kitty Kitty Kitty” The next thing I hear is a very loud GRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Bobby started laughing and came in to tell me what all the commotion was about. You see, the young lad was dressed as a tiger and after his growl made it very clear telling Bobby “I’m a fierce tiger.”

Another young lad rings the bell and Bobby wastes no time answering the call of duty. The little boy explains to Bobby that he’s been trick-or-treating all night and did not get any candy. His sack was completely empty as he gave Bobby the proof. The smart Bobby looks at the young lad and then to the car out in the street and says to the young boy. That’s because “ALL” your candy is in the car. The boy replied “Smart Guy” then Bobby burst into laughter. Bobby gave him his candy and off he went.

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