My Pottery Show

The pottery show started out to be a cold and rainy event. It remained cold and rainy both days. We didn’t have the best weather and my feet are still trying to thaw. That said I sold more than I thought I would have on a good day, so I’m more than pleased to say the least. As you can see in the above pic, it was a dark, stormy & wet weekend. Even with a flash, I couldn’t get a good pic of my booth. I ended up with 3 tables which allowed me to spread out the pieces. More than anything I was thrilled to see others show appreciation for the art work.

My favorite customer… A husband and wife entered my booth with such a loving spirit. She had bright eyes that twinkled and her husband was pleasant and showed the world that she was his true heart beat. They were oh, I would say mid 70’s and the sweetest loving couple. They ended up purchasing my highest priced piece, the large vase I featured just the other day fresh out of the kiln. I have to admit, it was a little hard to say good bye so fast to that piece. As I lifted it from the table and placed it in their care, I realized at that time I would never hold or look at that vase again. I’m so happy that piece went with them and I know its in good hands.

Bobby’s favorite purse… When Bobby learned the purse with the wood grain and white flower sold for $5.00 under what I priced it, he said “I was hoping we could have brought it back home”.

My favorite comment of the weekend from one of my customers… Are you the one who sells the purses to Niemen Markus? Even though the answer was NO, my heart smiled.

Most frequent question was… Did you throw these on the wheel? I was happy to say yes. A lot of potters have to hand build pieces by using the coil method to get their pieces to this size. ‘Throw’ is the correct potters term for ‘throwing on the wheel’ and cracked me up when one of my customers asked if I ‘hand tossed’ these pieces.

Most crazy thing I thought was that other potters were purchasing my work.

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