It’s EBAY Time…

Look out e-bay, here we come, or something like that. Bob and I decided to open an e-bay store so that we can get rid of some of the extra ‘junk’ around the house, you know what I’m talking about. I have some old antique books and miscellaneous things I’m trying to sell and Bob has some odds and ends here and there and Kristy has her college books from last semester that we need to sell. At first I was a little hesitant about opening an e-bay store but Bob finally talked me into it. It’s only $15.95 per month which is great. The listings are only 2 cents per item and 1 cent for a gallery pic. what a deal! We had our first customer and sale last night and the store was not even open for 24 hours. We were taking all our miscellaneous things to Goodwill but it will be interesting to see what happens with our little mini store on e-bay. For anyone who is interested in having a yard sale without the effort of minding the sale, this is the way to go in our opinion. We print out our postage from home and the mailman picks up the packages at the front door or in the mailbox if they fit. Now that’s sweet! Here’s to new beginnings on ebay!

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