It’s that time of year for an eye exam. And the time when I’m eligible for new frames. I’m glad of that, as my current frames have caused a few minor frustrations.
Yesterday, I went in with hubby (as he filled his prescription) and checked out a few pair that caught my eye.
This frame is the one that I slept on all night.
After my eye exam this morning, I tried them on again. I was just as pleased if not happier with the decision.
But then, this pair caught my eye. I asked to try them on too.
It liked to really frustrate me as I like this pair as well.
So I grabbed my camera on the cell phone and snapped a pic of each pair. These are not great shots but it gives me something to think about.
I’ll be sleeping on this over the weekend. Hopefully I’ll be ready to make my decision Monday.
Blessings – Debbie