First Day of Homework

Good afternoon! Its been a day of homework for me. I’m just happy when I talk about homework, that it feels more like playtime. As I’m doing something I love.

Our day started off with a nice rain shower.

And I thought it was in my best interest to start working on my Masterpiece Assignment.

So I practiced with the rain.


During the rain, I was thinking about something else (mundane) around the house that I could use for the masterpiece assignment.

And that is when the fruit hit me. I thought of oranges, limes and lemons. My how they would make a nice colorful masterpiece.

Then I thought, how shall I display them.

So I searched high and low and as I looked up on the very top shelf of one of the cabinets, this cake plate said “pick me”! So I did.

DSC_3604 copy

This assignment is far from finished. I have yet to apply the Photoshop requirements to get a good grade.

But for now, I’m just shooting around while I figure out what I want to use.

I have a while to work on the assignment as it’s not due until Feb 13th.

I also have an assignment to read the first two chapters of my Photoshop book. I can’t get over how much I learned from reading today.

They say “you learn something new every day.” Well I can’t begin to tell you all the cool stuff I learned, just today alone. Cheers to learning and a brand new semester.

Blessings – Debbie

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