Growing Pains

As a student, I experience growing pains. I want to get it. And I want so badly to absorb everything that is tossed my way. And some days my brain is so full, to the point I feel my brain shut down.

And I get the deer in the headlights look. What?


While I’m keeping up in class and jumping thru the hoops the professor requires, I just don’t “get it”. In other words, I’m doing things to be doing them but I still feel like I lack understanding behind it.


Then there are the days when the light bulbs begin to go off. Like yesterday when Sarah suggested we get together for a lunch date after class and then cruise over to her house to give me a hand with my Digital Darkroom (Photoshop) troubles. She rocks!

I left her home yesterday having experienced another huge break thru. Thank you Sarah!


And while I gained a bit more knowledge, I still have such a long way to go. And I don’t claim to know it all yet.

As with anything, there will always be room for growth in photography and making good images.

Our next assignment is all about humans. And I panic wondering if I can find the right person and create an image worthy of presentation.

While I put a lot of pressure on myself, I think it’s that pressure that drives me. So I’m using myself these days for practice as I learn how to better edit the photos I take in RAW.

Cheers to the lightbulb moments and those dear friends and loved ones along the way to encourage.

My dearest hubby listened to me jabber for nearly 30 min, if not longer. And he shared in my excitement as I told him all about my day, last evening. I was a ball of excitement with so much to share and it makes me happy that he cares and takes interest in my passion. He’s the best!

Blessings – Debbie

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