It’s such a pretty time of the year. A magical time when things begin to appear after a little nap. Like the gladiolas, day lilies and water lilies. The water-lily pads are leafing out and we look forward to the pink, white and yellow flowers to be on display any day now.
The backyard has been an ongoing project. A fun project. A labor of love. The arbors are fairly new but the one on the right is the latest edition.
See the bird houses up top? They’re not new, but I applied a new coat/color of paint to make them pop. And each of them have been moved 3 times. I think I like the spots they’re in this time around.
The yellow bird house, zoomed in a bit.
And the green bird house with a new splash of paint. See the yellow dragonfly, flying thru the lavender? I painted him not too long ago as well.
This arbor is the second (matching) arbor added to the upper terrace. I’m super excited about the little project that will complete the area. It’s probably weeks out, but still, exciting.
After working several hours in the garden, I craved a nice tall glass of sweet tea, made with honey.
I took my nice cool beverage to the patio and sipped and thought about the next project I would like to tackle.
I “think” it involves paint.
I’m happy to report that we had a glorious spring day. And I look forward to sharing as I go along the way.
Blessings – Debbie