Finding Joy

I choose to block out negative energy and fill my cup with joy. Those were my thoughts this morning as I saw some ugliness in the media. I choose to step aside and grab my joy cap.

The best voice of the morning, was when the hubs called, stating he left a couple of things at home. I jumped at the opportunity to run them over to him. I also jumped at the chance to put the camera in the car.

After I dropped the things off to the hubs, I went to the Lake, my playground. And found more joy than I can begin to express.

I made my way down the winding road and under the lush canopy I went. And somewhere on this little journey, I truly felt my heart sing.

What a glorious morning…

It was just the ticket to get my Monday off to a good start.

Once home, I felt a special nudge to get out there and take the long way home more often. Take that extra little step, adventure is out there. I was reminded of Yogi Berra: ‘When you come to the fork in the road, take it!’ Truly the best route home was the fork.

I soon busied myself with my Monday list of things to do. But the special little step over to the lake stayed with me all day.

Speaking of lists, I started journaling this past week. And I took quite a liking to it! I also brainstormed, compiling a list of dreams and decided on 2 that were at the top of the list. Goal exercises were assigned that relates to chosen dreams. Next, habits were developed to serve those goals. I like the way the big dreams have been dissected, creating a clear path to success. Each day is a new day to take the next step, do not stop.

My phrase for this week “CLEAR your mind of can’t”. “Dream Big” people, then make a realistic approach to accomplish those dreams.

Blessings – Debbie

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