Ole’ Man Winter Is Here

Picture taken from out the back of our home

We awoke in the middle of the night to sounds of sleet on the windowpanes. It’s one of those dark cold days and the snow has been gently falling all morning. The ground is to warm for anything to stick but I’m actually kinda enjoying this day. I have a feeling this will be our last bout of cold weather before our spring/summer season shines through.

We had plans to work in the yard this weekend but with this weather, I think we’ll stay in where it’s warm. After my shower this morning, I asked Bobby if he had any plans for us to do errands and whatnot. He didn’t have anything pressing so I jumped into my comfy pj’s and that’s what I intend to wear for the day. It’s going to be one of those comfy cozy days around the house.

Somebody Put That Fish Back In The Water

I’m feeling back to normal and into our routine. Of course it helps that Bobby’s off today for a nice long weekend and we’ve already had our date to our favorite Mexican restaurant.

The garage is finally clear of the large furniture pieces we wanted to sell. We finally had our last big sale Thursday evening and what a relief to have that clutter out of the way.

My glazing booth will be set up over the weekend and I look forward to my new glazing venture Monday. First things first, I’m going to enjoy this nice long weekend and give thanks for all God has given.

He is Risen and Happy Easter to all!

Fish Out Of Water

I feel like a fish out of water when I’m not in my normal routine of things. Pottery has taken a back seat since the furniture was moved into the garage. I haven’t really done any pottery to speak of lately except for the classes I’m taking on Tuesday’s.

I’m really looking forward to this long weekend where I can relax with my dearest as it’s his Friday off week. We’ve got some more shopping planed and Mexican is going to be our treat this weekend.

I still have my slow and steady weight loss going on and refuse to lose site of my goal. My goal is 1% per week as that’s what Weight Waters suggests. I’m not going to WW but I just remember that from the meetings way back when I used to go. I’ve been losing a little bit more than 1% and trying to keep that healthy steady loss. I’m so thankful Bobby and I are in the wagon together, it helps so much.

Home Warranty Issues

We’ve been in contact with the warranty department on our home and they are not wanting to follow the guidelines of the structural engineer’s (the one Bobby hired) report. The warranty department will take care of the steel piers but the engineer also listed soil stabilization to be added underneath the home. In order to add soil stabilization, they need to lift up the carpet in our family room, drill a hole through the foundation and add the stabilization treatment deep into the soil. The warranty department is telling us that the stabilization is not required. What’s so frustrating for Bobby (an engineer) at the moment is, our warranty department has yet to send an engineer to look at our situation. We have several sink holes on the property next to the house and the engineer (Bobby hired) told Bobby that our home was not built to code. All the warranty department wants to do is add piers and continue giving us the warranty on our home. That problem is still up in the air and who knows when it will be resolved. The other drawback is… Bobby wants to add the soil stabilization to bring our home up to code but the warranty department will drop their end of the warranty on our home if we mess with it. What an ordeal!

Today’s Forecast

Bobby’s car was parked at Discount Tire over night due to a flat tire on his way home from work. So Bobby’s using my car for work today.

My pottery class was canceled this afternoon due to the instructor having to take the afternoon off. That’s good for me as I don’t have wheels anyway.

I cancelled my plans with my buddy (Monika) today and will catch up with her another day this week or next.

Kristy’s Easter box is all set to go. I filled her box with all sorts of Easter candy and her favorite crackers and cookies. I added the Easter grass throughout the inside so it would look like an Easter basket when she opens it. I paid for the shipping online last night and also asked for pickup at the front door. Thank goodness as I don’t have wheels today but she’ll definitely get her surprise before the weekend.

So, today’s my day to stay home and get a few things done.

It’s Raining Men

Our weekend started off with an unexpected guest. The phone rang Friday afternoon around 2:30 with my Brother Dan’s voice on the other end. The conversation went something like this.

Dan: Hi Deb, guess where I am?

Deb: (Knowing he was on a business trip, flying from California through Dallas on his way back home) I responded, “Dallas“.

Dan: Ya got any plans tonight?

Deb: No, what’s up?

Dan: My flight got canceled from Dallas to NC due to the rain.

Deb: Can I pick you up; you’re welcome to spend the night here?

Dan: Sounds great.

Picture taken around 5:30 AM Saturday, I’m not bright eyed and bushey tailed yet.

With that, I left the house about 10 min later to pick up my brother for the evening. It was such a wonderful surprise to see him and even better getting a chance to visit the whole evening. We stayed up pretty late visiting and thoroughly enjoyed our time together.

We all set our alarms for 5:00 AM Saturday morning as we needed to get Dan back to the Dallas airport for his early flight Saturday morning.

Needless to say, we didn’t follow through with our yard sale Saturday as we checked in for some much needed rest after we got back home. What a nice surprise and what a nice relaxing and restful weekend around here.