When the last day of photography class (this past Monday) rolled around. I was filled with a stream of emotion. It wasn’t easy going into the last day of class. And I had to say goodbye to the students and it just did not seem right. Thank goodness I made a very good friend (Sarah) who I adore and look up to. Her photography is amazing!
When I think about it, these last two weeks have been nothing short of an emotional ride leading up to my final exam project.
This shot I took the other night (30 second exposure) – I’m using this shot as as a sign of my burning flame of passion.

As you recall from earlier posts, Jack assigned me to take shots of strangers. I did not want to do that. In fact, Jack cornered me and told me that he wanted to SEE what I could do.
That’s all it took to light the fire of passion in me to get out there and DO IT! It’s hard to put in words just how much this whole process moved me.
I never recall in my life something burning in me like this last exam. Come to think of it, I don’t recall (in my life) a teacher challenging me and believing in me like Jack.
More tears came during my final exam when I stood up there in front of the class. Tears erupted from the deepest part of my soul and trickled down my cheeks.
As I told the story behind each shot, I was thankful I did not give up. It wasn’t so much the shots as it was the feeling of victory. I did exactly what he asked me to do and I was proud of that. Not in a look at me sort of way, rather that inner sweet peace you get when you know you gave it all you have to give.
Here is a note via e-mail from my professor yesterday morning. – It moved me to tears yet again.
Good morning Deborah…
I thought I would let you know that not only did you receive the highest overall grade for our class. You received the HIGHEST grade ever recorded in the history of my Photo 150 class!!!
You are a GEM and it has been a pleasure to have instructed you in Digital Photography.
I hope you continue in your newly found passion.
It is students like you that make my job as professor an enjoyable one.
Thank you for being you.
A few things I told Jack –
- Thank you for stretching me this semester.
- I walk away with confidence I never knew existed.
- I feel so blessed to have you guide me on the path of my dreams.
- Thank you for believing in me and to push me to do something I would never consider doing.
- I truly can’t thank you enough.
- I had it in my notes to thank you for that. I’m sorry I didn’t follow my notes..
Never give up, even when you are being pushed to the limit. It takes believing in yourself to do the things you never thought possible.
In that case, I too can be one of the “Rockettes”. Every time I hear Mannheim Steamroller play Joy To The World, I imagine myself as a Rockette dancing my heart out. And when I told my hubby all about that dream he said, You can be anything you want to be. Man I love my hubby and I’m so blessed that he believes in me.
Blessings – Debbie
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