San Diego Nights

Hello out there! It’s been a few days, ay? Well at least it’s been a busy few days and that gives me a little to report.

First things first. The hubs and I started our weekend off on the right foot. Since we had an early (Saturday) morning appointment, I asked the hubs what he thought about having breakfast at Panera Bread.

And the rest is history.

I had a wonderful Pumpkin Spice Latte with a pumpkin muffin. It seemed the logical autumn choice. And the hubs had a hot chocolate with a nice warm breakfast sandwich. Cheers to autumn! And starting it off with a big bang!

Then the hubs drove me over to the beautiful Coronado island such that I could work on my night photography assignment.

We (the class) got our assignment early (last week) as class is canceled this Wed.

Our subject is “The City Lights at Night

I can’t help but notice the “AVOID PLAIN BLACK SKY!!!” Yes, it reads just like that on our assignment sheet, three exclamation points and all. To work around the plain black sky, he advised shooting just past dusk.

I believe the shot below is the shot I’m going to turn in for the assignment this next week.

We (the hubs and I) stayed on the island for just over 3 hours. Allow me to say, I have the most patient hubby in the world! He would have stayed longer if I needed.

The shot below peaks my interest. I like the rock in the foreground and the overall feel of the city in the distance. He (the instructor) did say we could change it up this week using black and white. So I played with the shot below.

The shot below could work for the assignment, but I still like the one above the best.

The sky is WAY too black/dark to use for my assignment but I still like the pier, view and the B & W.

Another B & W. The Fairy just arrived with a boat load of people. Again, this shot was taken too late to use as my print, but I still like it.

Another shot of the city. I’m quite fond of the shot, but it will not make the cut this week. The sky is BLACK! On that note, I believe the first shot is going to do the trick and meet the qualifications for this fun Night Photography Lesson.

Before I move along, I must insert a great big shout out to the St Louis Cardinals! Way to go boys, you made our weekend extra special!

Moving right along or shall I say “back” to the light texture lesson last week. For class yesterday, I had a bit of a struggle picking two shots to print.

This q-tip shot taken while the sun was going down – it was on my top three list. But we had to narrow it to two shots.

The shot below of my “molds” made the cut.

I like the way the light hits the plant behind the molds. The splash of light is almost like a fireworks show. The light, texture and depth in this shot says “pick me”, so I did.

Can you say, how low can you go? To be honest, I think a shot of me taking the shot (below) would be hysterical. Truly, I have no shame.

There is something to be said about getting on the same level with certain objects. In this case, I don’t think it would be as dramatic had I taken the shot above the snail. So this guy made the cut as well. To be fair, this is my #1 pick. It was a toss up between the molds and q-tips.

And just like that, Happy Tuesday! Two cups of coffee have already been consumed. My car was taken to the shop this morning to have my alignment done.

What more can I say? It’s a BEAUTIFUL DAY!

Blessings – Debbie

Beautiful Moments

Are you ever faced with wanting to take a shot of a beautiful moment but don’t have the nerve? Well, I was faced with that very issue at the dentist office this morning. But I did have the nerve.

Here’s how I danced around my nerves. I gingerly took out my cell phone and pretended to be busy (which I was) as I got the shot all set up.

This cell phone pic makes me so very happy.

And I snapped this lovely moment without them having a clue of what was going on around them. In moments where the “camera” just won’t do, I urge you to go ahead and whip out the cell. And snap those beautiful moments. I’m so glad I did.

And I’m so glad that the hubs wanted to see me for lunch. It’s these extra special moments together that make my day brighter.

I’ve already put a check in the box for making beautiful moments today. It’s these moments that make lasting memories.

Blessings – Debbie

Rested and Ready

Sometimes we need to recharge our batteries in order to pick up where we left off. A timeout and a little rest can be one of the greatest gifts to give ourselves.

Or in my case, the teacher announcing that class was canceled last Wed. It was perfect timing and I used the time away from assignments wisely.

I put down my camera this weekend and toyed with the iPad. I’m learning a bit more about the “golden hour” and experimenting at sunset. I’m using the iPad as it’s a lot easier to experiment with than setting up the tripod, pouring myself into the camera settings and making sure to have the remote in hand as well.

One of these days, I’ll be using the “real deal” as I have a little heads up that I will be taking “self portraits” as well as the hubs and the hubs and me for a few of my assignments.

It’s been one of those nice relaxing weekends with the hubs. We had a couple of fun dates, a trip to Cold Stone and lots of rest and relaxation.

I’m thankful for the little breather away from class, but I’m ready to get back into school this week. The desire to learn is like a growing wildfire within and I can’t contain it any longer.

Let the school bell ring tomorrow!

Blessings – Debbie


So yesterday afternoon, when I was getting ready for class, I got the bright idea to check my e-mail.  I’m SO glad I did.  The instructor had sent an e-mail stating that class was canceled and that he would see us Monday.  And he said to enjoy our time off.

That little note did wonders for me.  And I followed the orders of enjoying the time off to the T.  In honor of having the day off, I promptly took a nap.  And it did my body good.

I also made my way to the dirty clothes and got busy turning knobs on the washer and dryer such that we would have empty hampers once again.

But today was where the really big treat hit home.  Normally Thursday is my day to get out there and work on the next assignment.  But since class was canceled yesterday, we didn’t get an assignment this week.

I thought about walking with the girls to Starbucks this morning.  But what I really wanted was a day to play.  A day to relax.  A day to just take a complete timeout.

So the hubs and I slept in a little longer.

As the hubs left for work, I thought about the things I wanted to do.  A manicure was in order so I made my appointment for mid morning.

After my nails were beautified, I joined the hubs for a nice lunch date.  I’m so happy he asked me for a date, it made my day.

After my wonderful date, I ran over to the mall to pick up some make-up.

And this brand new (for me) bottle of (DOT Marc Jacobs) perfume.

It’s the kind of bottle that begs for a little photo shoot.

There is something clean and fresh with the smell that I really like.  And I can’t stop smelling my wrist.  I think I found my new favorite little bottle.

I like how this little bottle spills happiness and cheer.

I still recall the last bottle of perfume I purchased.  It was in Boston some 5 + years ago when I was there with the hubs on a business trip.

This time I asked for the small bottle as I hope to switch perfume between now and the next 5 + years.

Last but not least, cheers to this being the hubs Friday off work week.  I have a feeling this is going to be a great weekend together.

Blessings – Debbie

I’ve Come Full Circle

Note:  The story is about me coming full circle and the shots in this post were taken yesterday.  I just don’t want to confuse the photos with the “story”.

It’s been one of those trying weeks.  And thru the trials, frustrations, tears and a meltdown, I’ve come full circle. And learned “yet again” the hard way.

Shot yesterday – Boy is it paying off!  Meet my hairstylist, she is such a doll.

I briefly touched on my assignment for the week in the last post.  We were to use the tools we’ve already learned and go out into the city or our neck of the woods and take pictures of the world thru our eyes.

Shot yesterday – I struggled a bit with my f stop settings as I love a good shallow depth of field.  These would have been a little better had I bumped up the f stop.  I already know the settings I’m going to use the next time.  And I’m going to nail it!

It all started last Thursday morning when I started taking shots in downtown San Diego.  And it was early on that I realized I needed to change a setting on the camera.

Shot yesterday, much better!

Twas a bright sunny day in San Diego, thus it was a bit difficult to “see” what I was doing in the viewfinder.  But I managed to change the setting.  However, unbeknownst to me, I accidentally changed the ISO from 100 to 6400.  For those of you who don’t understand, it’s not the thing to do in the bright sun. Trust me. My pictures (when blown up) are filled with all kinds of grain/noise. But the bottom line is this. We are to leave our ISO at 100 for every assignment this semester = Not good!

Shot yesterday, makes me so very happy.  Meet Tonya, she’s an amazing potter and she down for having her pic taken with her beautiful creation.

Made for a win ~ win, don’t you think?

I knew I was struggling with my shots (in San Diego). Frustration would be an understatement as I was not able to meet my expectations. It did not occur to me to double-check my settings at the time.  So I continued going out for three days of getting the same ugly results.  It wasn’t until Monday that I realized my big “HUGE” mistake.

Shot yesterday, yea for getting just what I wanted.

Monday was a bitter-sweet day as I reflected on all my hard work and shots that went down the drain.  And thoughts of going out another day to get it done right seemed like a huge mountain.

Shot yesterday.  I’m so happy I got it done right.  Love the little nest up there.

As the realization hit me, it hit pretty hard.  And I needed someone right then and there.  And the only person I needed right then and there was the hubs. It’s unlike me to call him at work as he’s a busy guy.  But I did.  I picked up the phone to call the only person in the world who could make everything better.

Shot yesterday, yea for the courage to get right back up!

As he answered the phone, his voice was all it took for me to know all was right with the world.  And I said “do you have 5 min”.  The hubs “sure my love, what’s up”.  My throat became so tight and tears began to trickle down my cheeks as I told him “all about it”.

Shot yesterday – Many thanks to the hubs for making me feel like a million bucks.

And he said “You did your best. Congratulations for finding out on your own what went wrong.”  And other encouraging words.  Words that my little heart clung to when I felt like I was a complete failure.  Words that helped me want to get out there and kick butt and get the 40 shots I need to turn in for my assignment today.

Words that turned my sad heart upside down.  I’m so blessed and happy that no matter what, my hubby will always consider me a star.

I’m learning while I’m learning and coming full circle right before the assignment is due, is a wonderful thing.

Blessings – Debbie

Happiness, Anxiety, Peace and Calm

My week was mixed with a little dash of this and a little splash of that.

But the highlight of my week was the anniversary of our very first date, August 31, 1997.

Hubby posted the sweetest thing on FB, on our special anniversary (that fell on the blue moon this year) and I have to share it on the blog diary, I can’t help myself.

It reads:

“15 years ago today, I had my first date with Debbie.  We went to the movies and Chili’s.  Tonight, we’re headed to Chili’s again, followed by a movie.  Girls like Debbie don’t come along once in a blue moon; they come along once in a lifetime.”

I’m such a happy and blessed lady to have him in my life, for all the days of my life.

Photo taken near the time of our first date, fifteen years ago.

Friday – August 31 – 15 years later

Thursday – The shot was taken Thursday morning just before my hike (to Starbucks) with the girls.

My neighbor Rhonda has loads of Nam Wah bananas.  Aren’t they beautiful?

Her garden overflows with such pretty things.

Anxiety – It comes like sickness, right when I least expect it.  I try for the life of me to understand why I get myself all worked up, but I still don’t have the answers.

The blessing is that I have an amazing hubby who understands this about me and he is quick to respond with a listening ear or whatever to help make things better.

The dreaded anxiety came this week, it sure did.  Not for long, but it long enough for me to feel it and hubby to respond.

  • I thought I knew the photo assignment for class inside out.
  • Turns out, one of the three shots I took of a subject was incorrect = Fail + Anxiety
  • Long story short, I went back and forth (from home) to this subject (via car) 3 x’s in one morning.
  • By the third try, I got it right.

But why was I filled with such anxiety when it was over?

Well, I worried about all of the other shots I needed this week.  I worried that it would take an act of congress for me to get the assignment done right.

Hubby took off early the other day.  Not to mention that he’s working overtime and working so hard on a major project at work. He’s amazing like that and I appreciate the little things he does just for me, just because.

I still feel guilty that he rushed home.  But he said, “You’re my priority and I’m taking the rest of the day to spend with you.”  And just like that, he made everything better.

I will not be denied as I was back at it the very next day to find new subjects.

For the assignment this week, all of the shots need to be taken outdoors, before 11 am or after 5 pm and they all need to be taken in the sunlight.  And the directions must be followed to the T.

Below is subject 1

Subject 2

And subject 3

I won’t share all of my subjects as I have a total of 31 pictures due this week.

10 pictures for the bracketing assignment and 21 pictures for the reciprocity assignment.

I’m thankful thru all of my failed attempts that I’m learning and the process continues to stretch me.

And I’m so thankful for peace in the end.

Blessings – Debbie

Pass The Tissues

The tissues are piling like snow drifts and I’m *achoo* sneezing in groups of five instead of three.

This is the scene next to me as I recline on the sofa.  Why do I need a fan when it’s 74 in the house?  Good question.

I mentally told myself I was almost better this morning, but my body is telling a different story and so is my squeaky voice.  The truth is in there somewhere.

I believe hubby knows the truth.  He called to see if a bowl of chicken noodle soup sounded good.  He also asked if my favorite pumpkin muffin sounded good to me too.  And it did.

Soon he was home with a yummy bowl of soup.

A baguette

and my favorite pumpkin muffin in the world.

And some good stuff from the drug store to help me get some rest.  Once again, I told myself, I feel better already.

Achoo x 5.  Please excuse me while I grab another tissue and prop my feet up for another nap.  I’m getting better, that’s what I keep telling myself.

Blessings – Debbie

My Happy Place

Hubby and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary last evening.  This is a shot of us after dinner.

And after 13 years, I never thought it could be possible for love to continue to grow as much as it has.  I love him more today, than all my yesterdays.  And I feel so blessed that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

He has a way of making me smile and he adds light to the darkest of night.

For our anniversary dinner last evening, he took me to Jake’s in Del Mar.  This was the view from our table last evening.

It is such a fun atmosphere and one of our favorite places to go.

The next two pictures were all I could get of the sun as it peaked thru the clouds.

It was pretty to see that shimmer across the pacific.

Shot from our window seat.

After two yummy hours of dining.  We took a little stroll out by the beach.  We took a few pix of us.  And as we walked hand in hand back to the car, I felt at peace and at one.

And no matter where we are, my Happy Place will always be right here with him.

Blessings – Debbie

News Flash

Hello Friends!  It’s been a week and by all indications, it seems I’ve been away.

Indeed, we did step away.

The hubs, our buddy and I went on a little road trip.  We enjoyed a little disco music to pass the time.

I still remember “Hot Stuff” as one of the songs from the day.

I took a shot of the prettiest truck on the road.

This is a sample of our view during three of those miles.  It was a very painful 3 miles as it took an hour and 1/2 to conquer those 3 miles.

Cars began to over heat and drop out one by one.  Our car protected itself by automatically cutting off our AC supply.

A sampling of the views along the way.

Hubby was on business, I was along for the ride and time with the hubs.  I love that he wants me with him when possible.

We did get a chance to meet up with old friends (Gerald and Eileen) we had not connected with in 9 years.  It was a total blast.  I’m pretty bummed that I didn’t take a single pic that evening.

In other news:

  • We turned on the AC (in the house) for the first time (this year) a week ago.  It’s still hard to believe that when we do run it, it only runs a few hours during the mid – late afternoon.
  • I’m officially signed up and ready to take a college course this fall.  I’m pretty excited as it’s not just any course but a photography course.  I even have my parking permit and I look forward to the first day of class.
  • Regarding my class:  Over the weekend, I printed out the map of the campus and located my building and place to park.  I also printed out a map of my building with all the room #’s.  Makes me happy that I’ll know exactly where I’m going the first day of class.  The Bonus = Hubby is going to give me a test run to the campus before I go it alone such that I’m familiar with the area.  He’s the Best!
  • I bought a boat load of my favorite varieties of K cups today.  And no, they were not on sale.  I’m just a little fearful for when September rolls around.  As some of you may already know, Green Mountain will lose its main patent on K Cups.  So what’s the concern?  Well I noticed I couldn’t find my favorite blend at the place where I normally buy it.  I also researched over the weekend and learned that it is on backorder in some stores.  But I put my fears to rest when I discovered it at a shop today.  I piled it in the cart as if I wouldn’t get another shot of it for months.  I feel better about that, but I wonder, did I get enough?  Or did I buy too much?  As I hear the price of this stuff is going to plummet when the patent ordeal is over.  Time will tell.
  • In the last week and 1/2, we visited our new favorite sub restaurant 4 x’s – Might I add, their egg salad is amazing!
  • Last week, during our travels with friends, we visited Cold Stone 3 x’s.
  • In the last week, our dining experiences ranged from Mexican to Seafood and everything in between.
  • We went with a digital phone in the house.  It’s sweet and clear and only 30 bucks a month for unlimited long distance calls.  We like having a home phone, especially when the deal is sweet.  Bye bye AT & T!

So, hello Monday evening!  I’m looking forward to a great week.

Blessings – Debbie

We’re on a Food Roll

Well if it isn’t already Tuesday.  Good Day!

Since this post is all about food, perhaps it’s a good thing I’m/we’re getting some of my/our cravings out-of-the-way such that we can get back on track.  That is a good thing, right?

We (the hubs and I) had some pretty amazing dates over the weekend.

We found the best sub shop in the world.

In fact, our subs were so good, we went back the following day.  And we’re already planning our next trip back to the place this week.  I already know what I’m having.

We also filled our sweet tooth cravings with Cold Stone.

It’s pretty obvious where this post is going.

To be completely honest, we have not embraced the healthy way of living 100% the last few days.  Although we did go to Panera for lunch yesterday and we both had a salad.

We’re trying to balance the good with the bad and the ugly.  I’d say we’re doing a pretty good job.

Another random foodie note.  We have the most yummy sweet treats growing in our backyard.

This is one of the figs I picked and enjoyed.

As of today, I’m looking forward to a dinner date with the hubs and our friend.  It’s going to be a fun time, I already know it.  But I’m not sure what we’ve decided on.  It’s between Mexican and BBQ.  Either way, it should be good!

In fact, we’re going to carry on with dinner dates this week, we already know the time and place where we will be meeting up with friends tomorrow evening.

And the day after that, I “think” we’re going back to the sub place with a friend.  I’m telling you, we are on a food roll all week…

To be continued.

Blessings – Debbie

When the Sun Goes Down

It commands attention.  It’s hard not to sit and watch the sky as it changes color.  So last evening, I found myself taking in the last bit of sunshine.

But lately, there is something that drives me nuts when the sun goes down.  I’m learning that I’m not as young as I once was.  I can’t stay up with the hubs like I used to.  Last evening I turned into a pumpkin before 9 pm!  And I hate that!  I do!  I also hate the word hate but I really do hate not being able to stay up with him.

I think I managed to hang out with the hubs until midnight once last week.  And it was a big deal.  And I was able to sleep in with him last Saturday morning.  And that was a big deal.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a brilliant idea.  Yes, I would take an afternoon nap and sail thru the night with the hubs.  I had it all planned out.  We would stay up late, sip coffee and watch movies.  While the idea was great and the afternoon nap was wonderful, the plan failed.  And I hate that too.

One of these days I’ll be able to go the distance with him.  I just wish it could be every day.

But let me tell you, this morning was a big hit.  It’s so easy to jump out of bed with a full tank of rest and energy.  I was ready bright and early to hit the trail with the neighbor girls.  Today was the first day for me to join the group (there were 7 of us today) for a weekly hike to Starbucks.  I’m already looking forward to next week.

Can you believe I didn’t so much as take a picture this morning?  The moments passed.  The conversations were great and…well?  It could not possibly get any better than that for a Thursday morning.

I’m already looking forward to seeing this great group of gals next week and the week after that and…It just does a heart good.

Blessings – Debbie

The Joy of Long Holiday Weekends

It makes me smile to see so many things in full bloom.  And to enjoy fresh fruit from the backyard. Hubby brought up a fresh orange for me the other day.  It was so good and fresh – So I had to run back out to check out the figs.  The figs are still green, but I keep making a trek every other day or so to see how they are coming along.

A picture along the path.



One of our favorite meals would be our simple grilled lunch.  I’ve been jonesin for sausage peppers and onions.

I think my little grill foil packet was the best.  I loaded it up with peppers onions and Italian sausage (cut before cooking) + added smoked paprika and garlic salt to the mix.  It was simple but the flavors were spot on.  I did not have to add any type of oil, butter or water.  The veggies and sausage made plenty of juices.

And hubby’s been in the mood for a turkey dog, fries and an ear of corn for quite sometime.  So today, we both got our fill of the things we wanted.  It was so good, that we’ve talked about doing round 2 tonight.

Old Books

I have a “thing” for old books. One of my favorites is the old Bible on the top right.  Published 1839. I purchased that Bible some 21 + years ago for only $5.00.

I wanted to change-up the mantel this weekend.  It was seasoned with old books and was inspired by pinterest.

Monday is Coming

Hubby spent part of his weekend working in the garage.  And we’ve decided this has been the best 5 days in a row at home.  I sure wish I could order a few more vacation days on top of the already 5 day holiday I got to spend with him.  But I suppose his vacation days will come in handy another time.

Until then, it’s time to start embracing the fact that Monday morning is just around the corner.

Speaking of Monday, I think it will be a good day to start something new.  More on that tomorrow.

Blessings – Debbie

Happy Holiday Weekend

Good Friday Afternoon!  I hope all of you are enjoying this holiday week/weekend and keeping nice and cool one way or another.

We’ve had some Fun Filled Days.  As hubby has been off work since Tuesday evening.

  • We checked out this open house on our street.  While we’re not “quite” ready to buy, it’s fun getting our feet wet again.

  • Had some fun errands together – Love doing stuff together, even when it involves Home Depot.  I can have more fun in that store than a shoe store.
  • Enjoyed some really good movies
  • and to think “it’s only Friday!”

But most of all, I’ve enjoyed being totally kick back with the hubs.  Let the chilling continue around here.

Blessings – Debbie

It’s Thursday Going on Friday

To my friends on the west coast, Good Afternoon!  To my friends on the east coast, Good Evening!

So this morning while I was sipping my coffee, I got a call from my brother.  It still catches me off guard how three short hours can really seem like a lot.  Here I’m sipping coffee while he was on lunch break.  That seems so strange.

As I moved thru the morning, the to do list downsized.

One of the things I did, was take my camera out for some rose photo shoots.  It was fun!

Our roses continue to flourish – I hope to always be there to take the time to smell them.

Around the noon hour, I met up with the hubs for a nice lunch date.  And we had time to run by the eye dr as hubby needed to fill his prescription.

While there, I enjoyed trying on new frames.  Turns out, I found a pair that I kinda like.  My exam is tomorrow and I’ll have the weekend to really think about those frames.  Hmmm, what shall I do?  The answer will come, right?  It always does.

At least it’s Thursday going on Friday and I have the whole weekend to think and sleep on it.

Blessings – Debbie

First Saturday in June

Good evening and happy first Saturday in June!  I hope you had a great day.

We had a fun-filled day here in beautiful So Cal.

I played a bit with instagram.  I just signed up this week.  And I find that this is another app that provides more fun than a barrel of monkeys.  I know, I’m behind the times with instagram, but I’m getting the hang of it, or not.

But most of all, I enjoyed the day with the hubs.  We did a little shopping at the mall and a few other places.

And we filled the craving we’ve had for weeks and weeks at this amazing place.  It did not disappoint.

We also took in a wonderful outdoor art show.  We were told that we could take pix if we like.  I jumped at the chance, as this is the kind of painting that makes me swoon and my heart skipped more than a beat.

We did seriously look into that piano painting, which was reasonably priced.  But we are not ready to commit to anything like this (it’s HUGE) until we settle down into our own home someday.

While we look forward to being homeowners again, we still enjoy this freedom and the excitement of where our next home will be.

Happy Weekend!

Blessings – Debbie