Light and Texture

What a day it was (in class) yesterday. Some students were well prepared with their (I’m a Scavenger at Heart – ABC’s) assignment, while others seem to be taking this class, just to put the check in the box.

At any rate, we are at the point in this class where we are beginning to learn how to put our work on mat board and then go through some serious critique from the instructor and our classmates.

It inspires me to look at others work, especially my friend “Sarah”. It’s a joy taking this class with her.

It’s that time of the week for a new assignment. A new challenge. And new personal goals.

And yes, my panties were already in a twist yesterday. I read the assignment “due date” wrong and thought we had several assignments due next week. Twas a big sigh to learn we have over the next two weeks to meet these goals. Allow me to insert another sigh.

Light and Texture

That’s what our assignment is all about. But it is our choice of subject this week. The subject must have strong textures and a real sense of depth and space. We’re to do this by using natural light only (no setups, man made lighting…) and remember – the best time of day is right after sunrise and an hour or so before sunset. We’re to remember to use the tools we’ve learned thus far. And to remember good composition is a BIG DEAL…

After class, I wanted to get my feet wet in the assignment. I checked the backyard.

Shot a pic of the lime tree.

Took a shot of the bougainvillea. I’m missing the light in this shot, but the practice was good.

I was hoping to get out there this evening, but we folks here in So Cal just experienced our “first rain” of the season. We get excited like the northerners do when they get their first snow of the season. Let the rains come! Although we only average 6″ per year in these parts. I think that’s why it’s a grand celebration.

I was so excited to not only hear the pounding rain on the rooftop but to watch this spectacular rain dance from the sliding glass doors.

The view with the rumble of thunder was something to behold.

And I think this was just what I needed to feel the autumn spirit that I’ve been waiting for.

One last shot of the day. Taken right after the rain and during a burst of sunlight before the clouds moved back in.

Yup, I cropped the above photo to my liking. Since we’re not allowed to crop in class, it will not work for the assignment, but now and then, it’s nice doing something “just because” and not because it’s an assignment.

However, one of the many shots I took of that guy should work.

I’m off and running on yet another fun assignment. Laters!

Blessings – Debbie

Where is My Autumn

It’s that time of year when I think of ~ Falling leaves and a rake ~ Big bright orange pumpkins and homemade bread ~ Cinnamon and spice ~ Crock pot and soup simmering all day ~ Dark autumn evenings paired with light from candles ~ A shift from laid back summer days to a spring in my step…In fact, I’m normally giddy for this time of year by mid August.

…But, I just can’t seem to get into the spirit this year. What is wrong with me?  I’m never like this. I’m still in summer mode and I’ve never been a summer kinda gal. I think So Cal is rubbing off on me. That could be the # 1 reason.

My nail tips went from pink (two weeks ago) to white this week.  And the orange has yet to surface. I’m not ready,

And the thought just hit that I have yet to make our Thanksgiving reservations.  I am way behind compared to years past.

As I contemplate the idea of putting up the Christmas tree in 6 weeks, I’m just not so sure I’ll be ready. What happened to me?

I had better get a move on and tuck summer away and get on with autumn. But how does one flip that inner switch?

Until then, enjoy the moment no matter the feeling. And please, somebody pinch me, I want to wake up and feel autumn in my heart.

Blessings – Debbie

Stay-cation Blessings

As we round the bend of our little stay I’m filled with emotion, to the point I can’t keep it all in. As hubby held me tight this morning, tears pooled as I could no longer hold it in. When he asked what was wrong, I assured him that all was well and explained that it was sweet emotion.

The day started with the prettiest little setting here at our house.

A partial view of what we tasted as we woke – love it that we have this view without even getting out of bed.

The beauty surrounding us is indescribable. Even my hubby (who does not appreciate the cold weather) admitted how pretty it was. But he also states that “it’s a sign that it’s time to go”.

The street in front of our home

Secretly I had the wish of seeing one last snowfall before we moved away. Perhaps it’s the sentimental side of me, I really don’t know. But that dream came true yesterday as it snowed all day and into the night. But the greatest blessing came this morning as it stuck through the night.

I’m still in awe that it came right smack dab in the middle of our autumn blessings. I feel double blessed.

My mission was to enjoy the moment and take in as much as possible.

Our neighbors front yard

A tree in our side yard

Hubby’s car was picked up and his little car is already on the road for California.

Can’t get enough of my guy

Loved the pose they struck as they finished up.

Hubby’s final day of work was yesterday and he had to take a break from his “Stay-cation” work here at home to go in and return his work related items. It was a good day and he’s grateful for the last 10 years with the company.

We celebrated last night at the Japanese restaurant

Later in the evening hubby pulled out this sack

Earlier in the day he stopped by the candy store and picked up my favorite fudge ever.

Peanut butter chocolate swirl

I’m so grateful for my husband and the blessings that surround us. I’m thankful for the beautiful snow that I so wished to see once again. My cup is full and I feel ready to embark on our next great adventure.

May the blessings that surround you bring joy your way.

Our Stay-cation Winding Down

Taken from the end of our driveway

The last two days feel more like “work-cation” than anything else. Scrambling would be more like it. Scrambling to get the house just so and running last minute errands to ensure a smooth take off. I’ll spare you and me the details but all in all we’re right on schedule.

The trees are still alive with color

From the balcony yesterday afternoon

From the balcony at 6:30 this evening. Love the dark stormy clouds rolling in.

Now hubby and I have plans to sit a spell, relax and catch up on some of our recorded shows that we haven’t gotten to yet. I look forward to an evening with our feet propped up but first I’m going to put a pot of coffee on. It just sounds good on this cool stormy night.

May your autumn days be beautiful and your autumn nights be restful.

Stay-cation Day 2

We had a nice relaxing morning. We lounged around, visited with each other, I had a wonderful long visit with my mom via southern bell and pretty much didn’t exert ourselves too much.

The afternoon came and we both kicked it in drive. We cleaned our cars together, worked in the garage, went shopping and made a nice dent on the to-do list.

My autumn stay-cation wouldn’t be complete without a couple pictures taken from around the house.

The pretty gold leaves mesh well with our beautiful blue afternoon sky

Pretty autumn flowers brought over by our neighbor

A pot of bean soup is delightful on a crisp autumn day.

It’s nice spending the last few days here together. We’re able to mix work and play seamlessly and I feel so blessed that we have each other to share these precious moments.

Stay-cation Day 1

It all started for me at 7:30 when I could not go back to sleep. I thought how nice it would be to just lay there a while but I couldn’t take the excitement a moment longer. That’s when I hopped out of bed. As soon as hubby heard me rustling he said with a chuckle in his voice “just where do you think you’re going”. That’s all it took for me to snuggle in and the next thing I knew I was waking totally rested at 9:30. That was a great way to start the day.

Around 11:30 hubby and I left to meet some guys from his group for lunch. I was disappointed that I didn’t get my camera out earlier but at least I got a pic of the guys paying for lunch.

It was such a joy for me to get to know the group and even better that one of the guys will be joining us in California! “Q” that’s what we call him, he’s the guy on the right and he’s been working with hubby since we arrived in NY. Hubby is delighted that he gets to have this bright young man working with the team out there.

After lunch we stopped by one of our favorite stores “Lowe’s” to pick up an item.

However this little nativity stopped me right in my tracks. If we were going to be here for Christmas, I think I would have considered picking it up. I love the colors and it looks like pottery and well, I love it and it moved me…

Back home we had a little visit with our realtor who stopped by. We had a great meeting and we should be listing the house soon!

The view out back taken from inside around 4:00 this afternoon

And a view to the side. We had ambitious plans to chop down all the little saplings so that we can see the water on that side. But that’s a job we’re letting the new homeowners tend to.

Started the coffee pot at 5 pm to enjoy sipping through the beautiful evening hours.

We have big plans for a nice restful evening here in our home. And I’m totally loving the idea that I’m calling this last week our autumn vacation. It’s too beautiful to think of it any other way.

An Autumn Vacation

I’m calling this last week our beautiful autumn vacation in our new home. It truly is a splendid thing. Hubby is taking vacation time and we are enjoying our last days in this pretty setting.

Taken from the balcony ~ Love sitting in my lawn chair sipping my morning cup of coffee on the balcony. It’s calming to watch the little ducks swim and listen for that next fish to flop and spy the deer and chipmunks at play or watch my neighbor’s fish.

Looking through the reds and golds in the front yard

Hubby and I had some errands this week and thought I’d take some pics along the way.

Some trees are just starting to turn color

While others are bursting with beautiful reds and gold’s

I was pretty excited to score this hand made glass ring for $5.99 at a cute little shop along the way.

A barn scene

And a beautiful building on a street corner

I tend to think we’re having the best stay cay ever. Autumn brings such beautiful changing color, it’s a season of change and seems fitting that this is our time for change too.

I have never been to California as I don’t count my layovers in LA an actual trip there. I’ve never seen the lay of the land, haven’t a clue of what to expect. Sure hubby tries to describe it but it’s truly hard to fathom unless you’ve experienced it. But the one thing I do know is this…Hubby declares I’m going to be in love and that’s all I need to know. He knows me well and he is so anxious to get me there and introduce me to the place for the first time. Excitement wells each passing day but for now, I’m on my pretend vacation enjoying my last few days here in the beautiful northern country.

It’s Still Autumn

The view from my window this morning

It’s a cool dark and rainy autumn morning, but beautiful in my eyes. It’s the kind of day that makes me feel rejuvenated. Well it’s a good thing as I have much to do. There’s errands to run, groceries to get, and laundry and cleaning these next couple days.

Bobby’s sending me to FL to visit my parents this Saturday and I can’t leave without having him fully taken care of. Normally I lay his clothes out each day (he’s color blind) that’s my excuse to dote over him more. So I’ve promised to have all of his work clothes hung together in sets complete with the tie he’s to wear. I’ve asked him to help me with a list of things he wants for meals and that’s getting checked off today and tomorrow. And I’m leaving him to a spotless abode so I had better get busy. Man I’m gonna miss him.

A Trip To The Spa

The last three weeks had me stressed a little more than I realized. After hearing such great reports from my Dr’s office, a huge weight was lifted but I was left with knots in my shoulders and back.

So last evening I casually mentioned to Bobby how tight I was feeling and that’s all it took for him to insist that I have a massage. He didn’t have to twist my arm and I was able to work a two hour visit to the nearby spa this morning. I’m feeling a bit sore but the knots seem to be worked out. (sigh)

I took the camera as these beautiful autumn days aren’t going to last forever. So here we go… The pictures below were taken at the resort.

A tent all set up for somethin’

A peak through the leaves at the golf course

A little winding path

A cool cabin

Ducks up ahead on the left – I believe they are either headed south or will be headed that way directly

A few of them up close – Have a safe trip dear feathered friends

Better than the Dr’s office

A Visit To The Farm

We had a very productive meeting with the builder this morning and we’re hoping to break ground next month.

After our meeting we made our way to the Iron Kettle Farm. We enjoyed ourselves and had such a wonderful time watching the children young and old enjoying this beautiful autumn day.

Welcome to the Iron Kettle Farm

The farmer has so much to harvest

And the Mrs. keeping busy

He seems to be on his way home

And what’s wrong with this picture

A bounty of pumpkins with a sweet little pumpkin on top

Aw, he was just too cute

And he seems to be in a world of his own

Finding the perfect one

Cute little goat

And big plump turkeys

The little ones loved feeding the animals

Wagon filled with Indian corn

A game set up with large sling shots – The kids used little pumpkins to try and launch them through the hoops.

We enjoyed our little visit at the farm and then my darling took me out for a nice dinner. We truly enjoyed our day.

Another Autumn Day

I’m enjoying another autumn day and I’m still overjoyed with the season more than ever. It’s been a while since I’ve lived where the leaves glow like they’re on fire and it takes my breath away to watch the daily changes.

The picture above was taken in my backyard just a moment ago. I was busy unloading groceries when the sun popped through the thick layer of clouds. I grabbed the camera quick to capture the little ray of light that trickled through the trees.

Now it’s back to working on the floor plan as we need to have all the windows and doors throughout the house picked out by Friday and presented to the builder.

I still can’t get over how crazy busy I am these days and I’m sick that I have not had time to get to my dear friends pansy drawing. Little did I know at the time that I would be in such a pickle.

So, my deepest apologies once again and I would like to send out a message stating that I would like to have the drawing project complete and in the mail by the end of November. I hope all can be forgiven as it truly is killing me.

I also stated sometime back how I had the urge to get a job. Well, that has all blown over and as hubby says. “Honey, you’re going to be so busy with the builder and picking out stuff for the home, how are you going to have time to work”? And he’s right as things are really starting to kick in and I’ve already had two meetings with the builder already this week. So let the fun begin!

A Cloudy Day Filled With So Much Cheer

As I stepped out to my appointment this morning, the vibrant glowing trees seemed to take the place of the sunshine. Not only is the vivacious color of nature a beautiful site but the free cool air-conditioning of Mother Nature is sublime. This truly has to be my absolute favorite time of the year.

The pretty view of fallen leaves just outside my door

The trees from whence they came

And more brilliant color at the entrance of our apartments

May the splendor of autumn bring joy to your heart.

A Damp Autumn Day

We started out on this cool damp rainy day. But to tell the truth, there was still so much beauty to behold no matter the cloudy conditions. Here are a few pages of our day that I put together and I hope you enjoy.

I’ve always been a lover of barns so I captured this one as it spoke to me.

These autumn days are still producing beauty in spite of the weather.

This is a picture I took of the leaves through the trees. We stopped to look at this piece of land and I truly found beauty.

Beautiful Autumn Day

We have just spent a beautiful day together! Ah, this land is truly beautiful, offering such quiet, peaceful, and breathtaking landscape! Now, when we were here in April on Hubby’s job interview, there was not even a sign of spring in site, the branches on the trees were still bare but this place was still so beautiful to me. Now having spent the end of summer and fall peaking I’ll have to confirm that we are still in paradise! I keep saying that I have never lived in a place as beautiful as this.

We spent quite a bit of time running errands checking into a PO Box, running to the bank to open an account (we didn’t open it yet), visited The Cider Mill and drove the country side to look at some lake front property.

On the way I couldn’t help but snap pictures of this land which I have yet to do. So below here are pictures taken of our lovely day.

A visit to the Cider Mill.

Pumpkins, Oh The Pumpkins

A beautiful autumn day ~ Picture taken on the way to the lake front property

Another view on the way to the lake

Another Beautiful View

Lake where we may build our new home sweet home. I’m calling the realtor soon as we were not able to pin point the lot! Another drive out there is in order next week!