A Fun Weekend

I had so much fun at the weekend shindig with Cindy over at My Romantic Home. It was such a joy to visit each person’s favorite thing and hear all the wonderful stories that made it special. She’s still holding the party through the rest of the day, so if you’re interested please see the info in the post below. Thanks for stopping by as I certainly enjoyed this more than I can express. Thank you Cindy!

I dug out my Scrapbook Factory Express program yesterday and had a total blast playing with some the options. I took this

“serious face” that I shot last Thursday and had a ball using options that I’ve never explored in the past. It was fun!

I’m in the artsy mood again and the plan is to dig out my pencils tomorrow and continue to whirl around on this picture I started weeks and weeks ago. That should be fun! I’ll be posting the finished product this week.

It’s A Bowl Of Fruit

Dear Readers, I know, I know, I promised to wait ‘til my picture was finished to share but I thought you may begin to wonder if I was really drawing these days. So I’ve decided to post a little update.

I’ve sort of laid the foundation of colors but as you can tell there is a whole bunch more work to go into this pic. Today I’ve been working on the peach and a few of the grapes. Actually the 3 green ones that are hanging over the outside of the bowl.

I realize as an artist I’m scatterbrained as I never just stick to one subject. As you can tell, I’m all over the place, but that’s just how I like to work. Then there are some artists that work from one side to the other and I just can’t wrap my brain around that. I guess for me I like to “see” what the next subject is going to “look like”. I’m sure I won’t finish that peach before I have to nail one of those black grapes. That’s just the way I roll and I’ll never figure it out. But no worries, this will get finished to its entirety as I love this bowl of fruit way too much. Oh and I just had a look at that pear and that’s going to be a ball of fun to finish too!

But for right now, I’m going to have to put this picture to rest as I have other household duties calling. And I just may not be able to pick up my colored pencils ‘til Monday so, stay tuned. And in the meantime, here’s wishing you a delightful weekend!

I’m Glued To Pencils These Days

The last couple days have found me deeply engrossed in art. The sketch is coming right along and this happens to be one of those pictures that I don’t want to end. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m having so much fun with this. I should be wrapping it up in the next day or so and don’t plan to share ‘til it’s finished.

In other news, I spoke with the builder this week and the architect is moving right along with the changes on the floor plan. We should see the changes in the next week and hopefully proceed to the next step soon.

No Such Luck

Oh the hours I spent today searching for a subject to draw and absolutely nothing, NOTHING came to me. The subject must speak to me, and it has to touch me in a way that makes me want to draw every line, curve and shadow.

So I was a bit disappointed that I missed out on a perfectly good day for drawing. But the good news, I think I have secured something to start in on tomorrow. I’m already feeling this subject and I’m looking forward to giving it a whirl.

On a good note, that allergy is completely gone, not even a trace of a cough is left and finally I’m feeling back to normal.

Letting Go

Ever just wanna’ “let go”? Well that was exactly how I was feeling when I started in on my background today. This background is nothing like the background for these shoes however I thought a twist was needed. I let my pencils do the walking and I followed suit with lots of passion. Allowing freedom brings new creative energy and sometimes that’s just what we need for new ideas to blossom. I’m not calling this a masterpiece but it did bring lots of joy.

Well Bobby gets home tonight and I need to get around here and get some real work done before he gets home. And I reckon I ought to fix some lunch. I had a banana around 8 this morning and I’ve been so engrossed in drawing that I forgot to eat lunch.

Just Me And These Little Red Shoes

Bobby left for DC today, so it’s just me and these little red shoes. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to start sketching today, but once I saw these shoes, I just knew they were ticket.

There’s much more to do but I’m taking just a little break to share what I’m up to.

I’m feeling much better and I think my little allergy bug is almost over!

Mr. Kato

I started off my morning at the drawing board. Long after I was hunkered in Bobby called to see if I was ready. Ready? ~ Ready for what? Well he wanted to know if I was ready to come meet him for lunch? I didn’t think twice and told him I would be out the door in 5 min. There are many times like this that he doesn’t have a chance to call me ‘til the last min and not to worry, I can always make a lunch date with him happen at a moment’s notice.

After our little lunch I continued back at the drawing board and the little guy is almost completely sketched. I still have to define his little nose and he is officially a little work in progress at the moment.

And I know Arlene would be proud as I have defined the background. I’ve learned that it’s important to have the background defined before starting the rest of the subject so that’s pretty much taken care of. Even though the bg is not finished it’s now ok to start filling in the subject, which I’ve just started doing.

Another thing about Kato ~ I took his little picture last summer but did not like the background of the picture. I decided to put him on a baby palm tree and then add a nice whimsical background and there ya’ have it thus far.

Below are the pictures I’m using to get Kato’s little expression and show how tiny this little guy really is. And since I’m a huge lover of monkeys, he’s my first try at drawing an animal ever.

Carefree Days And Art

We had a nice time house shopping yesterday. We found a neighborhood that we have truly fallen in love with. It took me forever to get to sleep last night and Bobby had a dream about it last night. We’ve contacted the Realtor for that area and she’s working to get some info to us. There is nothing available at this time but she did say that she’s heard that a couple homes may be coming on the market in the months to come. Guess we’ll just have to wait ‘n see

I’ve been busy drawing as usual, but I’ve put that ova assignment on the back burner for the time being. I’ve been feeling a bit oh, shall I say carefree. And this last picture I wanted to portray my feelings in my art. There is still some work to do on this one but here’s a sneak peak.

All She Wrote – For Just A Bit

These days seem to fly by so fast, especially now that I have my cp’s to keep me busy. After Bobby left for work, I poured my cup of coffee and settled in to draw. The next thing I knew, it was twelve noon! I reached for my very cold cup of coffee and realized that I had only had half of what I poured and the rest went down the drain. After a little bite for lunch I resumed back to my favorite spot to start in on the cp’s again. A few hours later the mail man was at the door with a package and that was “all she wrote” the rest of the day.

I ordered a new cp book and have not been able to put it down. This book is also very special to me as I met the author Arlene at the new forum where I go all the time now. She is actually the host of the site. I’m participating in her online lessons and continue to work on that egg (her assignment). She provides great constructive criticism and I’m quite taken to her.

So when her book arrived, it was even more special as she signed it and wrote a very nice note inside the cover. Now I’ll be reading through my new book and now I don’t have any plans to pick up another pencil ‘til the book is read cover to cover.

My Goodness you should have seen me tearing into that package, one would have thought it was Christmas! When I opened it to see the note and signature I was quite overjoyed. Then I flipped open the next page and the urge hit to start flipping through the pages to “SEE” all the goodies inside. With that I closed the book and refrained as I didn’t want to spoil it. I decided to savor each and every page and wait to see the goodies one page and read at a time.

I feel so blessed and overjoyed to have found my niche and there is no turning back!

It’s Friday

I know my ova lessons are paying off as I’m learning so much about what I really see, how to define shadows and shape, the best kinds of strokes and basically a whole wealth of knowledge from this one project. I’ve already worked on 5 eggs this week and have many more tries I’m sure ‘til I finally reach the end result.

I’ve recently joined a colored pencil forum and I’ve had so much fun out there posting and gleaning positive criticism from talented artists. It’s also so cool to hang out and visit with others who have the same interests. I am so totally enjoying my new love for pencils.

I took a break from my pencils today to get all caught up on the laundry, ironing, cleaning and food shopping. It feels so good going into the weekend all caught up. I even have Bobby’s clothes all laid out for him to change into when he gets home from work.

Now I’m just waiting for Bobby to get home so that we can start our weekend! In the meantime, I’m going back to the forum to see what else I can learn before the end of the day. Oh, I also need to get caught up on reading my buddies blogs too.

Ova Project

I’ve been hiding away here in the apartment with my cp’s having a hay day these last two days. I’m working on some projects, more like practice lessons this week.

My first lesson ~ take an egg (a white one) and place it on a cloth and draw it. I can’t leave the cloth flat as I want as many folds as I can possibly squeeze in. It’s so much fun playing with shadows, highlights and watching them dance about. But with this lesson, a white pencil is not allowed at all. You truly have to look at the color and shadows and deliver them to a white piece of paper. I’ll have to say I’m having more fun with eggs than I could have ever imagined. I’m learning so much and growing so much too.

I’m not going to share just yet but I’ll post the pics when the project is complete. I may need yet another week with eggs ‘til I get them the way I want ’em. I’ve already worked on two eggs today and I plan to pursue these, who knows, a series on eggs may be in the works.

As for my little toe, she’s hanging in there. As many times as I’ve stubbed my toes, I don’t ever recall anything as painful as this. Hopefully it will be up for some shoes soon.

As Time Goes By

We’re winding down here in TX and getting ready to fly back north on Saturday evening. I’ll have to say our batteries feel completely recharged and we’re ready to go back. Yet in the same breath it feels bitter sweet and for some reason it feels like we’ve put closure here in TX. It’s all good.

Bobby has conducted a few meetings from home and I’ve carried on with my cp’s which I am loving more and more! I finished that bowl of fruit yesterday and here’s the finished product.

We’ve had such a wonderful time with friends, had company, dinner dates and lunch dates with friends. Bobby and I have a nice day planned just the two of us in the Fort Worth Stock Yards tomorrow. And I’m getting my favorite fudge in the whole wide world while we’re there! It’s gonna’ be such a fun last hurrah.

Don’t think I’ll be posting anymore while we’re here but I look forward to catching up with all of you when we return.

Dear Friends

Thought I should check in to say hi and to say we’ve had the best week! There is truly no place like home and I can’t get over how I felt like an old dried out sponge when we got here absorbing everything all at once it seemed.

We’ve been on the go quite a bit and we neither one can get over the springtime here in TX. The trees are all in bloom and the blossoms are so pretty. And the temperature ranges between 60 and 70 in the day, wow, it’s gorgeous! It’s funny to me that we get to go back to winter up north and enjoy yet another springtime! I just hope there’s some snow on the ground when we get back.

Time change issues ~ I’ll have to say we timed this flight just right as we didn’t even know when we booked our flights that we were traveling the day before day light savings time. We arrived in TX last Saturday and I didn’t even have to change my watch to CDT and the beauty is we never felt an adjustment.

We had a great time in the Dallas area yesterday and went to our favorite Mexican place over there. Talk about getting our fill of favorite places, we are surely doing it up right. I’m not even thinking about healthy choices at the moment either. Bobby and I are getting ready to go to our favorite place for some “GOOD OLE FRIED CHICKEN” in just a bit. Oh it’s gonna be so good with the homemade fresh biscuits too! Oh yea and peach cobbler too!!!

I picked up some more colored pencils as I can’t seem to get enough drawing in lately. I started this little picture (it’s 9” X 12”) last evening and worked on it a little more today. There’s still so much to be done but here’s the pic. I’m enjoying all the rich colors and variety.

Gotta run, Bobby’s ready for din’ din’!

Bowl Of Fruit

I finished (well not really) my Bowl Of Fruit as planned yesterday afternoon. There’s some tweaking to do but will not have the time to get to it ’til after our trip. But for the most part, it’s done.

I’ve got a few errands to run and the laundry to tend to today and then I’ll feel like I’m semi on my way to getting ready to leave for a couple weeks.

I don’t believe I’ll have anymore news to post before we leave so I’ll say goodbye to all of you for now.

I don’t know if I’ll be posting while we are on our trip. I’ve proved in the past not to do so well posting while we’re away. We fly back north on the 22nd and I will definitely see all of you somewhere in there.