A Week of Progress

Starting with the powder room.

This room was one of the most stressful rooms ever! I mean, really. Picking out a color to make my heart sing was trying, at best.

I was happy with choices “3” times. 3 x’s people! And after sleeping on the color, I doubted my happy choice.

Luckily I didn’t have to paint the room 3 x’s, as I just purchased samples and painted large swatches around the room.

And 8 different color samples were splashed in there before making the final decision.

But let me tell you, once the hubs helped me choose a color I already liked, that was it. Just. Like. That. We had our decision and paint was purchased last weekend. And the official start date on the painting, was bright and early Monday morning.

And the baseboards got a couple of coats of paint too. It’s like having a brand new space.

Powder Room

And here’s the after shot on its own. My heart truly sings after all the effort and hard work. Now to add the pretties. That should be FUN!


Last weekend we had drain pipe delivered for the outdoor project.


And by the end of the weekend we had it installed.


I have not progressed much as far as taking images this week. But I did take a couple of shots in the backyard.


And for relaxation, I truly enjoy spending time around the pond. They love dinner!


Points of interest this week:

  • Our produce patch is flourishing! And it seems we notice big leaps each week after we fertilize.
  • I painted in 4 different rooms. And I love that I can see where I’ve been.
  • The hubs caught a little cold Thursday and spent the day home sick yesterday.
  • We have another update coming right along in the backyard as we speak. The guys are working so hard.
  • And we lounged pretty much all day today and if feels good to take a nice time-out.

Blessings – Debbie

Baking ~ Gardening ~ Friends ~ Painting

There’s much to be said since I last posted.

And I have a moment to jump on in and post my heart out. Here goes.

I left the blog hanging with my bread making class last Thursday.

Last Friday evening, I was all set to put the lid on this baby and pop it in the oven for dinner. Like so.


And the next thing I recall is this.

  • I had our butter “room temperature” and ready.
  • The camera was ready to take the image right out of the oven
  • The “bread cutting” knife and cutting board were ready
  • We did not bother with the cooling of the bread on a rack phase. No siree! We took a knife to this bad boy right there on the spot.
  • Butter was slathered and we were overcome with the yummy goodness of homemade bread.


I may or may not have had anything else but bread and butter for dinner. Ok, I had the bread for my meal and the hubs had his bread as an appetizer + he had it with turkey, taters and green beans. Yup, I just had the fresh hot bread.

And Saturday morning we made toast. Oh my word, I can’t decide how I like it best. All I can say is this “By now, it’s a very good memory.”

Last Saturday we worked in the garden. We transplanted tomatoes, corn and peppers.

And I caught the hubs on camera taking a much needed break.


I pulled a bucket of weeds.


And the roses were fertilized – What a delight to see the assorted roses in bloom. This particular rose is called “Sun Flare”.


And Saturday afternoon, our friends came over to spend the evening. Actually, we went out for a nice dinner. Then stopped by the Cheesecake Factory for our dessert. And came back to our place for a visit into the evening.


Painting – My “To-Do” list calls for a little more painting in the house. Next up = the powder room.

While it’s the smallest room in the house, it has been one painful experience after another, starting with the valance.

To make a long story short, I still don’t have the valance, as I learned they don’t carry a large assortment in stores these days. In fact, Macy’s had nothing, zero, zilch in the store. But that’s ok, as I’ve decided that I’m going with a white valance.

This is the powder room before image.


This “was” my inspirational color (on Pinterest) for that room.


After 5 trips to the Home Depot and 8 different samples splashed in the powder room (this week), I have the color that makes my heart sing. Now to wait for the hubs to come home, as it’s just as important for him to like it too…

Note: I had a color close to what you see in the inspiration image, it’s just not visible in the image below. Hard as I try, the inspirational color did not work with the counter and flooring color in the room. But finding something that makes my heart sing, is so much better.

P.S. After posting the image (below) on Facebook, the hubs asked if Goldilocks had painted this room. It’s too cute to not make a note on the blog.


I purchased two really cheap brushes such that I could have what I needed to try 4 samples yesterday. Note to self: Do not use those cheap sample brushes. The bristles they leave to dig out of wet paint are not worth it.


One last blurb – The hubs spied our very first tomato Monday evening. We are so excited!


As I think over the last few days and how far along I wanted to be on the painting this week, I’m reminded again – some things are worth the wait and all the extra miles it takes to get the happy end result.

Until next time…

Blessings – Debbie

All in a Week

Thinking back over the last week, there are so many new and exciting things happening.

Perhaps “spring” has a lot to do with these things, and I love it! I love the time change and that our daylight pushes further into the evening hours. And the ever changing scenery around home sweet home gets sweeter as the days go by.

Like the first sign of our water lilies producing the very first bloom of the year, last week. I can’t express just how excited I was. And the pads are getting so big already! And the fish are loving the weather and spawning too! The dragonflies have returned and everything seems to echo – “it’s spring”!


Picking roses from the garden is such a joy.


And the excitement that comes while working in the garden. 11 of these bad boys (Boeing CH-47 Chinooks) flew overhead one day this week. I’ve never seen a sight like this before. And the rumble and vibration – was amazing – gave me goosebumps.


I trimmed my bangs yesterday morning too.

I think the hubs has given up on me going in to have them done. It’s like I can’t help myself. I wake up one morning and realize they drive me nuts, so I cut them.

I may or may not have done a little fretting over the new Artisan Bread we girls whipped up yesterday.


But I purchased my very first Dutch Oven this morning! All for the love of bread, a girl needs a dutch oven. And she doesn’t let a little fret stand in her way.

It was like Christmas unwrapping this guy today.


And tonight we shall see how it turns out. I believe excitement wells more and more as the hours go by. Tick Tock – only time will tell.

Until next time…

Blessings – Debbie


Do you ever get knee-deep in a project, where it seems ongoing and that it will never end? Well, that’s how I feel on the extended patio area that we’re adding.

It would be nice to have it finished, yesterday. But, alas, it’s going to take a bit longer.

However, I’m thankful for progress.

The guys (two of them) working on our project are only free on Saturdays. And some Saturdays they are not able to work. But we like their work, so we’re willing to take what we can get.

This is where we left of this past Saturday.

  • They were able to do 90%, if not more of the retaining wall in the four hours they were here.
  • + they were able to dig the trenches for drainage (hopefully this coming weekend).


To recap, this is where we were a few steps ago.

  • The wall/slope on the right side of the image was hammerjacked and cut away.
  • The pavers were lifted such that the uneven areas could be fixed and the entire area leveled for the extension of the patio.


This is the view from down below showing the progress of the retaining wall and the trenches that were dug for drainage. It’s where we left off this past Saturday.


A look at the area during the first few steps of the process…

DSC_0123I can’t believe it was just one year ago this past Friday (March 29th) that we walked thru the door of what would become our new home in San Diego. It was love at first sight, as It took us all of 10 minutes to say, “we’ll take it”.

I recall the lump that developed in my throat when I first saw the waterfall and pond. It was a dream. A dream that I truly thought would always be a dream. As I never expected something like this would ever come true.


A year later, we continue to make changes, pour love into it and feel blessed to affectionally call it home sweet home.


One year later, we can’t imagine living anywhere else.

Back to my homework! As I’m adding more projects to my plate this month.

Blessings – Debbie

Happiness is

Happiness is – Changing plans for my outdoor garden party when our beautiful weather turned cool and rainy. My party of 12 ladies enjoyed laughter, visits and friendship.

Unfortunately this is the only image I have to show for the ladies luncheon yesterday. It does make me a little sad that I don’t have pictures to remember our day.


Happiness is – a tiny begonia in full bloom.


Happiness is – Taking more than one picture of the plant, just because.


Happiness is – Receiving this lovely vase of roses from my neighbors garden.


And finding the right spot to enjoy them this weekend.


Happiness is – Wisteria in full bloom this time of the year. I sure wish I could bottle the aroma.


Happiness is – Picking a rose from the garden for my bud vase.


I spy an Egret! How about you?

Happiness is – Having the new alligator head in the pond to prevent this guy from helping himself to our fish. I decided to watch him today to see what he would do. He definitely seemed bothered as he made quite a commotion. After 3 or so minutes, he flew away.


Happiness is – Seeing a grasshopper for the second time this week. This guy crossed my path today and I decided to shoot him too. Makes me happy.


Happiness is – Getting a 3 day weekend with my love. That makes me so very happy.

Happiness is – Feeling blessed…

Blessings – Debbie

It’s Springtime

It seems the earth and every living thing with gladness sings “it’s spring”.

Birds are chirping, Birds are nesting,  days are longer, veggies are growing and I can’t help but hear the echo “It’s Spring!”.

It’s also that time of the year when plans and projects take on a new high.

We had an early morning delivery last week – 4.5 pallets of rock retaining wall arrived. We’re still trying to get this project underway.


I love our springtime roses.


And we have our first baby strawberry blossom. How exciting is that?


Since our move to So Cal 4.5 years ago, this is the first I’ve seen a grasshopper out here.

You lookin’ at me?


I got excited and snapped a few images of him, Saturday afternoon. I can’t figure out if those are real lines across his eyes, or if he hopped into a spiders web. Hmmm…


Over the weekend, the hubs and I did a bit more shopping at a few of the local gardening centers.

We enjoyed a nice dinner date Saturday evening.

And worked around the house.

I snapped more images of roses. This one is still holding on to its last few petals.


And took this image of the top of our succulent in bloom.


And and snapped a pic of this rose. I love the layers.


Another thing I love – Monday (today) – The hubs asked me to be his lunch date. That made my day extra special.

Now it’s time to get a few more things done around the house before the hubs gets home from work.

Blessings – Debbie

About Last Week

Greetings from Home – It was so good to get home to my love.

Azaleas – The azaleas were loaded with all sorts of buds when I left to be with my family and say our final goodbyes to grandma.

And this is the pretty sight I came home to a week ago. On top of that, the hubs gave first class treatment as I was one pretty jet-lagged wifey.


The wisteria was just like the azalea. As in it was loaded with all sorts of buds before my trip. And now it’s in full, sweet aroma bloom!


Hurricane Weather – So the hubs told me of the hurricane like weather he had (with an eye and everything) while I was away. Check out what it did to the plant holder. Yes, that plant holder is buried in concrete and still secure at the base.


Last Thursday, March 6th. I had my girlfriend (Julz) over for coffee. We shared bagels and coffee on the patio and caught up with what was going on in each others lives. I was also privileged to have a look see at her new house. What a pretty place and I can’t wait ’til I get to see the inside – They have not closed on the house yet…

I cherish moments like this.

How sweet of her to bring the beautiful succulent (I love succulents!) and thoughtful card.


Sprouts – We planted our little vegetable garden (in the bay window) several weeks ago. Everything looks good so far.


Not Quite Before & Not Quite After (image) – Saturday, we worked on this area. We removed several roses, agave bushes and large succulents. And the hubs even removed several massive roots. This is the spot on the upper terrace where we’ve planned our little vegetable garden – coming soon!


Who knew we could use so many wheelbarrows around here? We have 3. This old one so happened to be on the upper terrace, so it’s the one I used.


I found homes for the roses and a few of the succulents. But there were some things that I had no use for. Perhaps one day I’ll regret getting rid of this stuff…


It’s SPRINGTIME – Been waiting for you to roll around, March 9th! I gladly give that hour back. That’s what I posted on Facebook Sunday and I have enjoyed the change ever since…Cheers to change!

Motives Motivate – I’ve had motives to get rid of all the fish in the pond. Motives like – I want prettier fish. Who’s to say what prettier is, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So in this case, “I” consider the Shubunkins prettier than what we currently have.

But the thing that really motivated me is when our beautiful “Shubunkin” was taken. Now all I want are Shubunkins.

And I don’t want to cross breed, so I have motives to have the same fish. Thus the motivation to get rid of what we have.

I’m talking with an adoption agency (AKA – the place where I purchased the goldfish last year) to see if they would be willing to come scoop out all the fish + the babies. And take them back with the promise that I will purchase our Shubunkins from them. I’m motivated to make this happen soon – Fingers crossed…


But there is one fish to remain. It’s this pretty fish with beautiful fins. It’s the only shubunkin in the pond.


I’m currently waiting on a call back to see if they (the pond store) is up to the task of removing all the fish and babies.

To be continued…

Blessings – Debbie

Company’s Coming

And the place is a MESS!

But when a girl gets a last minute phone call from a girlfriend she hasn’t seen in 7 years. And her friend states she and her family will be in town (San Diego) over the weekend. A girl drops everything and opens her home no matter what shape it is in.

So the boys were back to work (yesterday) digging out that hill (left side of image).

Next goes the retaining wall.


The boys also picked up the pavers as we want to have a nice flat surface all the way thru.

Here’s the view earlier this week, notice the pavers?


Image below shows that the pavers were lifted + we had some areas that were no longer level so it was a perfect time to start again with a fresh clean slate.


After the retaining wall goes up. They will add gravel for the foundation, then add the sand over the top of the gravel to provide a nice even surface for the pavers.

One of the big workhorses for this project is the new duel wheel, wheelbarrow.


What a heavy load!


Next up. I wanted to share a picture of the strawberries we planted last weekend. We “hope” to keep the birds out. And to get a nice little bounty for ourselves. We’ll see…


My geranium makes me so happy! I can see it from the kitchen, and it seems to be happy in the garden. New buds are beginning to blossom.


On that note. I have a house to clean, laundry to tend and friends coming over tomorrow.

I’m one happy girl looking forward to the weekend.

Blessings – Debbie

The Backyard Was Jacked

with a jackhammer yesterday.


It’s quite a powerful tool, as it pounded thru the granite rock.


It’s hard to shoot the magnitude of the job, but here’s an image up close to see a little better.


A pick…


was used to dig out major roots and the not so major roots.


And the flat shovel was used to…


make the area smooth. We still have a long way to go from start to finish, but progress makes us happy. Oh so happy!


A view from the upper terrace. We plan to extend the pavers over and carry on with the retaining wall.


And for a little pond reflecting today:

The fish seemed pretty skidish this morning.

This guy in particular. I took this image of him this morning and I haven’t seen him since. I’m pretty sad, as he was my favorite fish.


Now the fish are in hiding under a large rock area and I can’t get a count. I just hope they continue to take cover and pray I see my favorite little guy out and about tomorrow.

This is the only evidence I gathered floating around this afternoon.


All in all, I think the fish population will survive whatever comes our way. And if we must take matters into our own hands, I’m sure we will find another decoy to “help” keep those critters out.

Exciting News! I saw my first dragonfly (this season) around the pond today. I can’t express how exciting that was. Just so you know, I was in the middle of a conversation with the hubs when I interrupted the with “OH LOOK – A DRAGONFLY!” It pretty much went down just like that. Tee Hee, super exciting!

That’s all for today.

Blessings – Debbie

Hopeful Green Thumb Gardners

A few of the fun things we did this weekend.

For starters, the hubs had Friday off! I love our three day weekends.

It was a fun weekend to think about the garden and we talked more about the things we want to add.

Then we visited a nursery and had a very good vibe with the owners.

We shopped at the local Home Depot.

I picked up some plants and hanging baskets.


And planted some lavender. I love the fragrance of these plants.


Heck, I liked it so much that we made another run to replace the plant I potted in “the fish” weeks ago.

So far we’ve noticed – bees, butterfly and hummingbird attraction to this plant. I think we need more lavender.


We picked up another hangar, hanging basket and geranium. I had a hankering for a little splash of red up on the hill.


We hope to make this a happy home for the new plants.


We also planted a basket of strawberries.

And then we planted some seeds:

  • Beefsteak Tomato
  • Heirloom Tomato
  • Red Cherry Tomato
  • California Wonder Red Pepper
  • Sugar Baby Watermelon
  • Crimson Sweet Watermelon

We still have a few more things to plant, but we’re waiting for the right time.

In the last week, I noted the waterlilies making their way back. One thing I learned this year, is that the lily goes dormant in the winter (lily pads and flowers die) then produce new leaves and flowers in the spring. Cheers to signs of pads returning!

Off the subject of gardening and “switching gears” to my car.

It’s all better and back in our garage! Turns out it was the fuel pump. We’re happy to have it back and starting on command.

I’m thankful for the glorious weather, outdoor living, outdoor dining, open windows and gardening with the hubs this weekend.

Blessings – Debbie

A Moment

Sometimes we need a moment.

A moment of silence, a moment to recharge, a moment to regroup, a moment…

Whatever that moment of need is, we sometimes need to drop everything and take it.

I took a moment of silence on the blog over the weekend.

I spent many moments reading over the weekend. In fact, I read Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. What a great read! + it’s a good thing, as I’m ready on the early side for the book club this month.

The hubs and I devoted our weekend to relaxing moments. There was nothing pressing for either of us and the rest and relaxation = perfection.

We took the weekend moments to live in our jammies. Love moments like that when the only place we want to be is home sweet home.

My (Monday) morning moments were spent deadheading roses.


And taking images of the fallen.


And shooting images of ground cover in bloom.


And pretty much enjoying the morning in the garden.


Moments are spent one way or another.


And sometimes a good rest is all that is needed, to make our work week moments shine.

Blessings – Debbie

Love Inspired Images

Good Afternoon and Happy Friday! I hope this finds you doing well.

While reading thru my bloglines this morning, I came upon a post with “love” inspired images. Some shots were taken with hearts and chocolates and pretty much an assortment of fun, love infused, inspirational shots.


One shot was of a gal with heart shaped lips holding a chocolate. And since I don’t have chocolate in the house, I set out to create my own image holding a flower.


I have to say, today is the only day I’ve adorned my lips with a heart and probably the last. But it was fun!

Another love infused moment – from yesterday.

I enjoyed finding a home for our collection of matchboxes around the world. From Europe to Shanghai, South Korea, Japan, Hawaii and so many places in-between…


The hubs noticed when he walked in the door. And what a fun little memory lane moment it was.


And I loved shooting a couple images of the collection this morning. It’s a wonderful reminder and special keepsake of some of the places we’ve been.

And now I love to look forward to the weekend.

Today I’m wrapping up all the loose ends in the house and pretty much have everything back in order since our company. I’ll be making another quick grocery run and preparing for a fun filled weekend for – just the two of us.

Blessings – Debbie

Six Days of Confession – Day 1

I confess, I was not excited about making six days of (healthy eating while company is here) confession. But you know, we’re into the first day and I have to say, I’m glad I have this place to come for accountability.

I confess that I thought six days of confession would = company comes and I have to eat boring stuff and not have fun.

I confess I’m eating healthy today and having a blast! And it makes me feel good.

The bar glasses cleaned.


And fresh flowers from the garden on display. As we’re getting ready for our guests to arrive.


The hubs took the day off. And I have to say, we make a great team getting this place whipped into shape.

On that note, I confess I’ll be back tomorrow with Confession Day 2

Blessings – Debbie

Backyard Work in Progress

We have a lot going on around the home sweet home. While we’re still working on indoor projects, the outdoor projects are coming right along as well.

Like the area in the lower left section of the image.


So far, four trees and stumps were ground/taken out, a few small trees removed and the gravel/rock removed. Next, the area will be leveled, then pavers will extend and a fire pit will be coming soon to the area. We’re excited!

We spent a great deal of time in the great outdoors over the weekend. The hubs tinkered a bit more with the outdoor speaker system and I spent a good deal of time with the fish.

I was pretty excited when I captured the guy below with palm tree reflections. So much so, that I wanted to get a bit artsy in photoshop. Like so.


I love the fish below, she’s one of our new shubunkins. I can’t tell you how hard it is to get a good image of a fish that is always on the move.


And I pretty much spent the day (today/Monday) catching up on things from over the weekend.

On the health front – Just in case you are wondering, I’m pleased with the way I’m making healthy choices. So far so good!

On that note, I think it’s time to start thinking about having a nice healthy dinner.

Until next time,

Blessings – Debbie

January Garden

Latest edition to the pond – I love the new fish pot the hubs picked up for me, a week ago.


And I love his new home across the way…


And I love how the doves stand by – allowing me to take their pictures. I think they are getting ready to nest.


And I love the January roses.

DSC_9334 copy

I’ve watched this rose (for days) as the petals continue to open and open and… I don’t have the nerve to cut and bring inside.


Things of accomplishment:

  • I finished painting the office over the weekend!
  • We spent a lot of time working in the garden – change is coming!
  • I’m almost to the end of my book. That’s a huge accomplishment plowing thru 1,024 pages this month. But it’s a good read and I’m about to finish it up today…I hope.

And before I forget, yesterday, I wrote with pen (at the Dr’s office) the year 2014 for the first time this year. And as I wrote the date, I said aloud “2014” as if it were a news flash. And a gal gave me a silly look as if to say “duh”.

Wishing a blessed day and week to you…

Blessings – Debbie