What Friday Is Made Of

I got to spend the entire day around the house, it’s just what I needed.

There was a little:

  • coffee sipping
  • gardening
  • picture-taking
  • rose and flower admiring
  • flower transplanting
  • fish tending
  • afternoon tea
  • back-porch sitting


And a stop at the little gardening station in the far back.

This little can on the shelf drew my attention. And I paused to think of the previous owners who grew over 150 roses on the property. They did scale back on the roses and we’re enjoying the few that remain.


Copper Pipe Guard Posts – So the hubs hammered some copper pipe around the pond. And my what a difference it makes when I need to find a new place to move the fake egret.

All I need to do, is slip his one (straight) leg down the pipe and he’s standing “firm” and guarding the fish – like so.


The dragonfly seems to like the pipe and he thinks his job is to be on guard too. And as soon as I move the fake egret to his spot, he flies over to the spot the egret once stood.


I change the “fake” egret at least a couple of times a day. That lets the big birds understand this guy down here is busy and not hanging out in one place too long.

The heron did visit the neighbors backyard again this morning. I’m watching him, as I’m on my post too!

And I hope we can discourage him enough, such that we can enjoy having fish without too much concern.

We are two weeks in and the fish are really happy with their new digs. And I find it cute that they follow me when I pace in front of the pond.

I wasn’t so sure how they would respond when I got in the pond today. I had a little lilypad clean-up to tend to. And would you believe they came right up to me? Those little guys are something else. One of them slithered up against me and caught me off guard.

I hope to have them eating out of my hand one day.

For now, we’re enjoying them and taking things one day at a time.

Blessings – Debbie

Plan A

It appears the “Plan A” that was shifted from Monday and put in the Thursday slot (today) is just not working out.

So I really wanted to go to the fair. Alone. At my pace. To view all the spectacular images entered into many categories of the photography competition. I have friends who have their work on exhibit. And I wanted to see those images. I have a couple of friends who came in first place in a couple of different categories. And I’m bummed that my plan A just didn’t work out.

All plans are fun when we make them. But sometimes, something has to give.

Like having my roots colored because my girl had a cancellation this morning.

And if my girl didn’t have a cancellation, My plan A for the day was to stay home sweet home. After a busy week with the neighborhood girls, I was in the mood to be around the house.

And perhaps the fish had something to do with it too. As I missed them.

Would you like to know one of the sweetest things the hubs did yesterday?

So yesterday, I was involved with my very first book club with my new neighborhood girlfriends.

I was invited to come to the meeting even tho I had not read the book. Now after sitting thru the discussion, the novel is in my hands and I already have a good start on this book.


Back to yesterday. I was going to be away (at the book club) from the babies for a couple of hours.

And the hubs got worried that something could happen to the babies, especially since I would be gone during the usual hours the heron shows up for food.

And he couldn’t bare the thought of me getting hurt and losing a baby to the heron.

So the hubs checked his work schedule, came home to guard the babies. And he made sure our back-up decoys were armed and ready to scare the big birds away. And was back to work in time for his next meeting.

And he left the sweetest note, letting me know he had been here.

That is just like my guy and I love him so.

In other news:

Enrollment Begins July 2nd – So I received the college course schedule in the mail yesterday. Actually, the hubs brought it in.

And all I could see = Enrollment begins July 2 – WHAT!


And all I could think about is how nicely I’m sinking into summer and how I wasn’t ready for this.

So we turned the pages to the photography section and discovered thru the process that I need to take off this fall semester.

Sometimes we need to take a load off.

Cheers to hunting for paint colors and other things for the house. And cheers that school is not part of my “Plan A” this fall.

Blessings – Debbie

A Blog About Fish

You would naturally think this blog has turned into a blog all about fish, predators and the egret decoy. And rightfully so, as that is where my heart has been all week.

While others have gone before us with this pond filled with fish, we are still learning the ropes. And making our way step by step.

And I can’t begin to express the amount of enjoyment these little guys bring into our lives.


And learning the heron makes his rounds, Every. Single. Day. Sometimes he’s here 2 and 3 times. But our decoy egret has done an amazing job keeping all predators away. We are amazed.

The heron is back in our neighbors backyard again this afternoon. And he’s still mad. And we wonder if he will eventually make a move. Or will he eventually catch on that this pond is not for him.

The crazy thing about him today, is that he’s been over there pacing that yard just over 2.5 hours and still counting.


In the meantime, our fish are happy. Our waterlilies are in beautiful bloom and all is right  with the pond.


True, the hubs and I have an eye out back. But we’re still getting things done in the house.

The hubs has been working with the electrician in the house all week. He’s having the house wired with speaker cable for surround sound, the patio speakers wired, new TV cable, new internet cables and installing a home network center. Most of the above is beyond me, but it should pretty cool.

It’s nice to see things taking shape and we look forward to making this home for a very long time.

Blessings – Debbie

Around the Pond

Good Day!

It is a beautiful good day.

I would like to give a little update on the goldfish.

Let me just say, they are coming around. I mean, really coming around. And they seem to be getting to know us.

They no longer “dart” for cover when we approach the pond.

They are beginning to feel freedom and it’s obvious for us as they now play and make quite a splash as we look on.

And each morning when I feed them breakfast, I count all 10 of them.


And I count all 10 of them when I’m not feeding them. And I count all 10 of them each time I visit. I can’t help but want to know that they are all safe and doing well.

We are quite smitten with our babies and find them to be an extra special addition to our home.

Blessings – Debbie

Upside and Downside

On the upside, I captured a shot of our babies the other day.

On the Downside, they were gone yesterday morning! They got big so fast and here I thought I would get to take pictures of them learning to fly away.


On the upside, I find the flowers and my early morning strolls in the garden so refreshing.

DSC_6280 copy

On the downside, I failed to clean the filter/basket (for the pond/fountain water feature) the right way and I completely lost the prime on the pump/falls. It was a sad day as I was looking forward to bringing fish home today.


On the upside, the hubs had the pump/fountain primed, once he picked up the tools needed at Home Depot.

And this shot was taken just before sunset.


On the upside, I still get to pick up our fish this week.

On the upside, I’m so blessed the hubs cares about my dreams and wishes. So much so, that he insists on making it a priority without me asking.

I’d say the upside of the last few days is > the downside. And for that, I feel blessed.

Blessings – Debbie

Dreams Do Come True

For the last three years, soon to be 4, we’ve been renters. Very happy renters. Renters with no intention of purchasing a home until we felt reasonably certain we would be in one place for more than a couple of years.

For three + years we rented. Not something we’re used to, as we’ve been homeowners every stop along the way.

For three + years, we enjoyed the shoes we were in and it felt good to be free to go at a moments notice.

But we also had dreams to be homeowners again one day.

Our dream to become homeowners developed into a plan right before Easter. It’s then when the hubs and I were discussing the possibilities of becoming homeowners by the end of summer.

Things at the hubs work made a giant shift, for great things to happen. And it looks like we could potentially stay in beautiful Southern California for some time.

I’ll never forget that weekend. It’s the weekend I started searching Zillow. The weekend when I put the search for a home in full swing.

Yes, that was the weekend I found our home. It was a home listed “by owner”, of all things. I made the call, left a message. And sent an e-mail to the homeowner as well.

And don’t you know, the homeowner and I finally connected.

Now normally, I’m the scout and do all the leg work. Then when I “find” the place that I “think” we can call home, the hubs is brought in for a look-see.

Not this time, I said to the hubs “Honey, I can already tell that I want you to see the home.” I knew by looking at the pictures, (on-line) that I wanted him to see it too.

The hubs agreed. We would go on his Friday off and have a quick peak.

Good Friday, that’s the big day I’ll never forget. It was a day we had a major list of things to do. We had a road trip planned, and wanted to be on the road by 10AM.

So our appointment to look at the home was scheduled for 9AM. That should give us plenty of time to see the house and be on our way.

At 9AM sharp, we rang the doorbell. ~ I get choked up thinking about it.

The homeowners greeted us with genuine warm smiles, shook our hands and welcomed us into their home.

A lump developed in my throat at once. And I knew before looking at the house that it felt right in every way. I just knew.

But what was the hubs thinking? I had no clue.

We went from room to room and I felt “this is too good to be true”. The home had a brand new concrete roof, new copper plumbing all the way thru, granite counters in the kitchen and baths and a white kitchen.

I had dreams of a white kitchen here in the south. It truly was a little dream come true.

The home was naturally light and bright in the daylight and I felt a cheerfulness about it that tugged at my heart.

Since we were constantly with the homeowners, I was not sure what the hubs was thinking. After all, we had big plans for the day and buying a house was something we just started talking about.

And then we were escorted out thru the double sliding glass doors that led to the covered patio.

The garden was more than just a dream come true, it was my very own personal miracle.

Back up nearly 14 years ago. Then is when the hubs and I toured Asia. And it was then that I fell in love with Koi ponds and gardens.

And for the nearly last 14 years, I’ve jokingly asked the hubs for a koi pond one day. I’ve torn pictures out of magazines for nearly 14 years. And I have a book with clippings of beautiful koi ponds. And goodness knows how many koi pond ideas I’ve gathered from Pinterest and my Houzz app…

While I’ve had really big dreams of a koi pond “one day”. I never thought in a million years that my dream would come true.

Well don’t you know, this place came with a koi pond that far exceeded my wishes and dreams. Yes, dreams do come true. But this time, it’s bigger than a dream, it’s a miracle.


Since living in So Cal going on 4 years, the hubs and I talked on and off that one day if we did buy, that it would be nice to have a yard with no grass to cut.

And don’t you know, there is not one blade of grass. It comes with beautiful plants and trees. And lovely winding stone paths with a series of steps that lead up and around the garden. Yes, dreams and miracles do come to pass.

But still, I wondered what the hubs was thinking. As you know, we had big road trip plans that day. And buying a house was not on the list of things to do. Just a quick peak.


Privacy was one of the key factors on the top of our list. And this is the view from the sliding glass doors in the master bed.

The view we see without lifting our head off the pillow.

In fact, our first night in the new home I woke at 3AM and was wide awake looking out on this scene glowing in the moonlight until 6AM. But I’m getting ahead of myself.


Once we finished looking at the property, the homeowners gave the hubs and me a chance to have some alone time.

The hubs looked at me and I looked at him and we knew we found the place.

And do you know we made an offer right then and there? But the funny thing the hubs said that I will never forget is this “well I really didn’t come to buy a house today, I just thought I was coming for a quick peak.” It’s something the homeowners will never forget either, as they remind us of those words every time we see them.

And we dropped our road trip and list of things to do in an instant. And enjoyed a nice cup of coffee and visited with the homeowners for 3 hours. 3 HOURS!

And made an appointment to be over to the escrow office, that afternoon, along with the homeowners.

And do you know, the homeowners fell in love with us. And we just adore them. And we have become friends. And the hubs had lunch with the homeowner before we bought the house. And they made brownies for us when we visited. And she stocked our freezer with meals and dessert as a treat when we were moving in. And we have an invitation to their upcoming housewarming party.

But before we became homeowners, I felt the shoe was going to drop. It all felt too good to be true. Even the day of closing, I was worried.

I suppose I worried they would sell it to someone else, as they were offered more than what we offered. Yes, they had another offer in shortly after us. But the couple liked us and wanted us to have it and told us flat-out that they would not engage in a bidding war. But I was still worried, as the bidding wars out here are killer! Especially now. And even tho we had a written contract, I still felt the shoe could drop at the last min.

When the closing finally took place, it was hard to grasp it all. After we moved in, it was still hard to grasp. But I’m finally coming around. And the hubs told me that I had better get used to it. Will it ever sink in?

It’s taken so long to tell the story and truth be told, I’m no longer waiting on the shoe to drop. Dreams do come true as we are blessed to be the caretakers to this place we now call home.

We’re grateful for the many blessings we’ve received.

Blessings – Debbie

From the Garden

It’s difficult to describe our backyard, so I thought sharing some images would give a feel of our xeriscape yard.

It’s made up of a patio that extends the full length of the home. Then comes the pond and next a winding stone path with a series of steps that lead up and around the yard. There are a couple of sitting areas in the far back, at the top of the hill.

The pond is gathering algae and turning green. So I’m told this is good, as the chemicals are clearing out, making room for the fish. I’m so excited, but I’m thinking next week is the week for adding fish…


While gardening the last couple of days, I’ve met some really cool neighbors.

Today, while working in the front-yard, I met the girls hiking club and the van load of girls stopped out front to say hello and invited me to join them hiking over at the Safari Park. It was hard to say no, but gardening called. One of these days, I hope to join them.

The photo below was taken during my backyard gardening, see the mess? It will be there for me in the morning.


For this last image, I used my Digital Darkroom skills, by making a panorama. The back is complicated and hard to fill in one shot, so I took a series of 20 images and blended them, to give an idea of the space from the back porch.


As night falls, I’ll be dreaming of my gardening tools, gloves, trash cans and waking in the morning to find new things to do.

Blessings – Debbie

Making our House a Home

Catching up with the blog from the weekend.

The weekend was well spent with the hubs. Especially since he was in Indy last week.

We enjoyed a bit of dining out, crossed things off the list and enjoyed my favorite seat in the house ~ on the patio.

There was tea sipping (infused with honey)

Bird chirping

Fountain splashing

Baseball ~ Yay, our St Louis Cardinals won!

NASCAR ~ Yay, our Tony Stewart won!


Pond Reflection – Where I come each day – A place I like to keep clean of debris – where I like to reflect – and ponder all the things I would like to accomplish.

This week, I hope to have the new addition of some fish. We’ll see. If not this week, I’m sure we’ll have them by next week.

I snapped this shot as the sun was coming up, yesterday.


And just for today, I’ve been…

Busy as a bee – I had a blast gardening this morning. I’m in my element, especially now that we have a Xeriscape yard = Not a single blade of grass and landscaped with plants and trees with little to no need of water.

Another exciting thing about my day, I got to meet two neighbors. And they are just as warm and friendly as I could hope for.

Snapped this shot just before putting my tools away.


Little by little, things are taking shape.

Soon, we will be settled and ready for our first party.

Until then, you can find me with my gardening gear or tidying here and there.

Blessings – Debbie

The Nest

There is something magical about a nest. Something that echoes love, hard work and patience.

This dove has been here since we moved in two weeks ago.


And it amazes me how still she sits all day long. Day in and day out. Well, at least it looks like the same bird, but I understand the mother and father swap shifts.

And each day I wonder, how long for her babies to hatch. From what I read, they should start hatching  any day now.

As I think about this nest, I think of our new nest.

The place we hope we hope to stay for a very long time.

And thinking about this new nest that we feel so blessed to care for, is enough to send me over the edge.

There is so much to share, so I’m going to bite it off piece by piece in the weeks and months to come.

Blessings – Debbie

Summertime Blessings

It’s official, it’s summer! And I’m completely wrapped in so much excitement that I can hardly contain myself.

For starters, we moved to a new home!

While we’re still getting organized, we’ve come to love the new outdoor spaces. The Koi pond lacks fish at the moment. But hopefully it will be ready for colorful life soon.


I’m enjoying the garden art the previous owners left.


This is a fun little set left for us to enjoy. It’s also a reminder that I need to give it a little cleaning.


Another beautiful piece of garden art left. I just love it!


I captured this lovely flower a few nights ago, just as the sun was setting.


Words are few but we feel blessed and our hearts are full of so much excitement as we move in and make this our new home sweet home.

Blessings – Debbie

Home, There is no Place Like Home

The last week has gone by pretty fast.  Here’s what I’ve been up to.  I christened the pool early last week.  The water was nice and the dips do me good.  But I walk a fine line, as I’m an ex sun goddess.  Summer Hours: Sitting in the shade from 10am – 4pm – Swimming 4pm – ?

I “was” exasperated and my girlfriend (from Louisville) is to blame.  She introduced me to the ever popular Keurig (remember?) and things have not been the same since.  I thought “by the time I get home and make my own, I’ll forget all about it.”  Didn’t work last Tuesday.

Tis true, I used to snub Dear Keurig.  But that’s before I ever tried it.  I was wrong and I say I’m wrong.  It took just one day of being home to realize that my old pot and coffee could never measure up to this guy.  So I dove right in and purchased this guy a week ago today.

The only draw back that I’ve noticed is this.  I have to fight urges every single day.  As the urges prod and poke for me to drink coffee all the day long.

I’m thankful – for abundant blue skies, for weather that I love, for the 72 degrees in the house at 2 pm, that we have yet to turn on the AC this year, that summer went from my least favorite time of the year to fun the last three years, for pretty flowers that bloom, and for love.  I truly love calling So Cal Home Sweet Home.

Our fig tree is producing loads of these guys.  I took this shot this afternoon.  Can’t wait to taste them when they’re ready!  Happy Wednesday everyone!

And goodnight.

Blessings – Debbie

California Living

This morning was the norm for a work week day.  Hubby was up getting ready for work, while I was laying out his clothes and making his breakfast and lunch.

It was a happy morning as usual and I told hubby as usual how handsome he was when he was all ready for work.  And his response as usual “thank you, my wife dresses me.”

It was the usual hugs, I love you’s and me hanging out while hubby made his way to the car with his lunch box.

It was then when hubby reached for his car door, he turned back and said “have a wonderful day in California.”

It was then when I realized we’ve been saying this for 2 years + 8 months.

It was then when I realized we have not taken this place for granted.

And as I stop to think about it, it was then that I was reminded that living on vacation is what this place means to us.  I really could get used to living here the rest of my life.  And I believe that every day spent here will be cherished.

And while these thoughts were passing thru my mind all at once.  Hubby closed the car door and pulled away.

I stood there with joy in my heart and waved like I do every day since our beginning.  And he waved to me as he pulled away, just like he has done since the beginning of time.

And I stood there and watched like I do every day ’til his car was out of sight.

And I walked back in, closed the garage door and thought to myself.  I feel so special and this truly is going to be another wonderful day in California.

These pictures were taken on my morning stroll in the garden.  I was searching for all things yellow as this cheerful color matched my feelings all the way around.

And I look forward to hubby getting home at the end of this wonderful day.  And rushing in to greet him.  And when he asks “how was your day”  I get to say “better”.

While we may not live in California forever, my desire is to make each day just like this.  Because at the end of the day, the special little things, are the things that matter most.

Blessings – Debbie

iTherapy Not Included

Good evening, it’s actually getting pretty late.  But I just wanted to log in to say hello out there!

Yes, it’s me.  Totally occupied with that new iPad.  Will I ever be able to put that fun thing down?  I was told that iTherapy was not included.

And this is our home, the entrance to our home.  Welcome!

And our backyard.  Old Glory was such a pretty sight as she waved in the beautiful balmy breezes this afternoon.

It was a day where I feel like I got lots done.  Appointments were made, errands were crossed off the list and I caught up on household chores.

If I don’t put that iTherapy to work, nothing is going to get done.  It’s quite the balancing act, let me tell you.

As of right now?  The coffee pot is all set to brew in the morning.  And all feels right with the world as I look forward to that fresh cup of coffee.

Sweet Dreams…

Blessings – Debbie

I'm Getting There

Wow, I really did impress myself.  I set a goal to get caught up on the blog and all of the vacation pix by today.  It happened!  I like how the blog allows us to change the date of the entry.  Note:  all vacation blog posts have the correct date assigned to each post.

This is the post where I get caught up from Saturday, May 12 thru Saturday morning, May 19th.

Saturday May 12 and Sunday May 13 – This is the picture of what things looked like for us back home.  We chilled, relaxed, rested and basically kicked back all weekend.  And the picture of where we spent hours recharging our batteries.

Monday – While Home Sweet Home was the place to restore our energy over the weekend, we did hit a bit of a rough patch Monday morning.  Why is that?  While we went thru the motions of making coffee and getting hubby off to work.  It was more like, welcome to the day that’s not quite right.  A day I wished hubby could just retire and call it a day.

Tuesday – Tuesday felt much like Monday but better.  Hubby invited me to meet him for lunch.  That seemed just the ticket to brighten my morning and afternoon.  After lunch, I was able to get some much-needed grocery shopping done and I did squeeze in an afternoon nap.

Wednesday – We were getting close to getting back to normal, but not 100%.

Thursday, what did I do on Thursday?  If my memory serves me right, I worked hard on getting those vacation pix in order.  And I blogged.  And enjoyed the garden.

I also discovered I Was Wrong – This fruit tree out back is not a fig tree like I thought the landlord told us months ago.  It’s a Nectarine!  Last Thursday, I walked out to inspect the fruit trees.  Sure enough, the fruit was finally nice and soft and ready to eat.  I had 5 of these guys on the spot with juice up to my elbows while constantly sopping juice off my hands such that I didn’t make a total mess.

Friday Favorites = Wind chimes – Windows open – Birds chirping – Sunshine – A walk in the garden – Fresh fruit from the garden – New shoes – Polish change – and the best part, A lunch date with hubby.  I Love Friday!

Friday Least Favorite Turned Favorites – by the evening = Clean house, laundry done, ironing 100% done, clean sheets and a fresh clean home for hubby to come home to.

Friday – Yes, I finally found my stride and everything seemed back to normal and all was right with the world.

Saturday morning – I enjoyed our beautiful morning and the hand I was dealt.  No alarm, another round of fresh fruit from the garden and it’s the weekend!  Truly a fun-filled weekend to look forward to with the hubs.

This brings us up to speed with Saturday morning May 19th.

Blessings – Debbie

Fire ~ Smoke ~ Wind ~ Rain ~ Hail

That’s a large portion of what our weekend looked like.  And it felt like the dead of winter.  However, we did have the bonus of a little sunshine ~ grilling ~ and patio eating before the blustery winter set in.

First off, our weekend started Thursday night when hubby walked in the door from work.  We always enjoy these longer weekends every other week.

There was a nip in the air and a fire seemed to be the thing to have in the home.  So hubby got started on it right away.

It was the perfect way to chill or shall I say relax all evening long.

When Friday morning dawned, another fire seemed the likely thing to have in the home while sipping that first cup of coffee.

The crackle, glow and warmth was much better than the heater.

But look out!  Friday afternoon we had the most amazing sunshine along with (it seems) every window in the house open.  From the screen doors to windows, the breeze was sheer bliss.

In springtime fashion, we lit the grill fires and enjoyed dinner on the patio.  The new favorite thing on our baked potato is that peach mango salsa.  So Good that we don’t need butter and all that high fat/calorie stuff on there.  P.S. My plate is not the huge dinner plate, rather a small salad plate.  And those are gilled onions there in the back with a small 2.5 oz serving of grilled chicken.

Saturday morning mother nature greeted us with some pretty massive winds, rain and hail.  She was on a mean chilly winter streak and we San Diegans thought we were in the dead of winter.

Another fire was in the works but this time, I think that crazy wind affected the chimney and it literally blew the smoke back at us, filling our little warm nest with smoke.

Every window in the house was quickly flung open and soon winter greeted our toasty warm bones with a chill.  True, it only got to 65 in the house, but for us, it felt like winter for hours as we continued to air out the house until the fire died.

We bundled up and puttered around getting a few more things crossed off the list.

As the evening hours settled in, we, in true hubby and wifey fashion, watched a few flicks and settled in for old man winter.

Winter lasted thru Sunday with more cold and rain outbursts.  And I can still hear hubby say “I can’t wait for it to warm up.”

I have a feeling we’re becoming San Diegans having forgot what winter really means.

So this Monday morning, the weather man forecasts partly cloudy skies for this area and it still feels like winter.  I think after a few days of winter, we will gladly take back our beautiful weather.

The good news, our apricot trees are in full bloom and I’m looking forward to more fruit in the days/months to come.

After this last spell of winter, I’ve already decided what I’m going to do in the next week or so.  But it has to be a day filled with abundant sunshine.  I can’t wait!

Blessings – Debbie