One Of Those Days

It was one of those days I had to get back into the groove of housework, laundry and ironing.

One of those days I packed hubby’s lunch for the first time in a week.  Not because I didn’t want to, rather he was home with me, sick.  He did see the doc yesterday, but still struggling with that nagging cough.

One of those days I lived in my jammies all day long.

One of those days I took a nap.

One of those days I needed to absorb the great outdoors.  It’s a source of inspiration.

And I love that all these pics were taken in the comfort of my jammies/backyard.

Lots of thoughts crowded my mind.  Thoughts of my studio and pottery and wondering exactly where I’m going with it.

Will I strictly be known as the purse lady or what else shall I create?  Shoes – high heel shoes – fun strappy high heel shoes – bright colorful shoes – flip-flops – perhaps shoes and purses – matching shoes and purses – just one shoe or will I make a pair?  Oh I don’t know, these are just a few of the many thoughts running through my mind…

Even though the questions go unanswered, I’m creating and doing what I love.  In time, the answers will come.

I had more fun in lightroom this afternoon.  When playing in lightroom, I think about pottery and all the colors out there begging to be used.

I strolled the winding paths in the backyard.

And found the lilies, lots of them.  But the little snail on this one caught my eye.

This rose hails from a bush that must be 7 – 8 foot tall.  It’s loaded with roses.

That rose underwent the lightroom as well.

But for now, the plan is to clear my thoughts and enjoy the remains of the evening with hubby.

For more outdoor fun, enjoy a trip over to A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday!

Blessings – Debbie

Welcome Wednesday

or good evening would be more like it.  Once again I found myself pouring my heart into pottery all day.  The new purse I started has lots of interesting features.  I’ll share a pic as soon as I get the last few details secured.

I spent a little time in the garden around sunset.

Hello Lightroom.

I’m all tuckered out but we still have Survivor and American Idol to watch.  I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold up for both shows.  *yawn*  This may be a good excuse to turn on the chocolate raspberry coffee…I think I just talked myself into it.

Blessings – Debbie

Still Learning

I’ve been taking pictures in RAW for one whole week!  Switching from JPG to RAW has made all the difference in the world.

Now I’m able to take pics of the flowers in the front yard and play in Adobe Lightroom.

I had a lot of fun with this exercise.

And I’m thinking how I might frame some of these.

Who knows where this is going, but I’m enjoying the process.

I’m off to enjoy Friday with my hubby.  Yay for this being his 3 day weekend.

Blessings – Debbie

This Would Have Been Your Room

Here’s the guest room made up for my special friend Dana.

The guest bath was all set with fresh linens.

I thought we would spend more time (she was already here once, just not to spend the night) in the backyard with our cameras.


I thought I’d pick some of these to put in a vase for her room.


I thought we’d take more pictures in the backyard.

I thought we’d bring the patio chairs out here for a visit.

I thought of a lot of things we might do.

But the best news of all is that my friend gets to finally leave San Diego and head home today.  Actually, Dana has a stop in Seattle where she will get to stay with Nikki for the night.  Then Dana will be on her last leg to Canada early Friday morning.

There truly is no place like home and being in the arms of the ones you love.  Many blessings to you Dana and safe and speedy travels.

Blessings – Debbie

Busy Monday

What a busy good Monday.  It pretty much amounted to a lot of phone calls and a trip to the mall for many hours.

My number one priority of the day came first, my hubby.  He needed help with our vision plan and I spent nearly 2 hours calling providers for a certain type frame he’s looking for.  I did succeed finding a couple of places.  I hope one of the two places work out for him.  Fingers crossed.

After my long afternoon of shopping, the garden was the peaceful place I wanted to be.

It still amazes me that there seems to be something new in bloom each day.

Although this lily isn’t new, I like the way the late afternoon sun splashed against the background.

And now my friends, I’m ready to disappear into the background.  I’m in need of a second wind, a cup of coffee or something to shake my sleepy self.  Perhaps “The Batchelor” will do the trick. 

Blessings – Debbie

The Weekend

Hello world!  I hope your weekend is treating you well.  I’ve been a little occupied with my hubby the last few days.

We enjoyed doing many things together including:

  • several outings
  • a nap during a rain shower
  • the excitement of watching an intense rainbow
  • tire shopping for my car
  • a nice dinner experience in our friends home – downtown San Diego
  • magical moments watching the Daytona 500
  • our love of playing backgammon
  • a fun moment at the pet store – the pups were so cute

Now that we’re on the heals of the weekend, I wish it would last a little longer.  

The garden was so pretty right after the rain.

The sun and blue sky broke through. 

 I like times like this when everything is fresh and new.

 Truly a cheerful sign after a downpour.

We enjoyed a delightful evening with friends in downtown San Diego.  What a wonderful way to polish off the day.  Lorraine prepared such a lovely meal and her homemade carrot cake was off the charts delish.

A picture as we head into downtown.

I had full intentions of taking pictures, but I didn’t.  I chalk it up to one of those times where it was best to enjoy the moment.

Some moments are meant to capture while others are meant to remain in our hearts.  This will be an evening I will always cherish and will also remember who and why we celebrated this night.

Blessings – Debbie

Ups And Downs And A Good Backfire

Good morning bright blue sky.  What fun to watch the sun burn off the fog while enjoying my first cup of coffee.

The day had its ups and downs.  Our fairly new (year and a half old) GE washing machine is throwing a bit of a tantrum.  The motor was replaced less than a year ago and it appears to be having the exact problem all over again.  GE did not make me feel all warm and fuzzy.  I’ll leave it at that.

On the bright side, the clothes hamper is empty, clean sheets are on the bed and the ironing is all caught up.

To take my mind off things, here’s a beautiful lily.  I spied this from the kitchen sink.

My day was sort of all mapped out as it was my day to run errands.  As soon as the first errand was complete, the next stop sort of backfired and I couldn’t get in ’til 1:00 pm.

To deal with that, I called hubby to see if he would be up for a lunch date.  Lucky me, he was all about it.  I think some things are meant to backfire so that we can make a better plan.

I was wild about these beautiful blossoms today.

My 1:00 appointment was  lovely.

While out, I picked up a new yummy flavor of coffee.  Turns out, I didn’t notice the decaf label ’til I got home.  Oh well, the world didn’t end.

To take my mind off the fact that I picked up the wrong coffee, I took more pictures out front.  I love a good distraction.

Our favorite neighbor stopped over with Fritz.  I love Fritz, who wouldn’t love Fritz?  He’s the best neighbor dog ever…Momma let me take pictures and Fritz posed so nice for the camera.  He got lots of attention after the picture, he’s such a good boy.

One last shot out front before getting to a few household chores.

With ups and downs, sometimes a backup plan is all it takes to turn things around.  And sometimes as I like to say “it is what it is” slap somebody and move on.

Blessings – Debbie

Is Change The Right Thing

I struggle with change from time to time, but I’ve learned that change is good. It’s all about the way we embrace it.

As some of you already know, I just up and moved “the blog” where I posted a total of 818 posts since January 2006. Well, I didn’t just up and move without giving it some thought. But once I made the decision, all questions were put to rest and I moved forward with the plan. And it feels good and fresh and I quite like the change.

Welcome to the new blog home where all things start fresh and new. I’m ready, are you?

Cheers to this rainy day


The view out the kitchen window…


…set the mood for this…


…and the other.

There’s so much to learn, I plan to enjoy the process.

Blessings – Debbie