I’ve come a long way baby! That goPro photography workshop taught me basically everything I know about my new camera. Before this, I was a point and shoot camera kinda gal.
I’m shooting in manual and that right there is a very “big deal”. I’m also shooting in RAW instead of JPG. I feel like a big girl now…
ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed, DOF – Those are a few terms I knew very little about before the class.
Today I want to share just a snippet about depth of field (DOF). And aperture because DOF and aperture go hand in hand.
The picture below is an example with a very large depth of field. Meaning pretty much everything you see is in focus. From the trees in the background to that large clay pot in the background. Again, everything in the pic is in focus = large depth of field.
The following shot was taken in manual with a large aperture setting of 25 = A very small opening.
Reminder to self – The larger the aperture setting = a smaller opening for light.
Below is an example of the extreme opposite. This would be a short depth of field meaning the subject is in focus and everything else is very blurred = short depth of field.
The following shots were taken in manual with a very small aperture setting of 4.5 = A very large opening.
Reminder to self – The smaller the aperture setting = a larger opening for light.
Another example of a very short depth of field.
And here my friends is my take on that pic above. Once again done in Lightroom.
Practice ~ Practice ~ Practice…Those were the words Tyler used when I asked should I continue taking more classes. Thanks Tyler, I’m taking your advice to heart. I still have a long way to go.
Blessings – Debbie