Note: The story is about me coming full circle and the shots in this post were taken yesterday. I just don’t want to confuse the photos with the “story”.
It’s been one of those trying weeks. And thru the trials, frustrations, tears and a meltdown, I’ve come full circle. And learned “yet again” the hard way.
Shot yesterday – Boy is it paying off! Meet my hairstylist, she is such a doll.
I briefly touched on my assignment for the week in the last post. We were to use the tools we’ve already learned and go out into the city or our neck of the woods and take pictures of the world thru our eyes.
Shot yesterday – I struggled a bit with my f stop settings as I love a good shallow depth of field. These would have been a little better had I bumped up the f stop. I already know the settings I’m going to use the next time. And I’m going to nail it!
It all started last Thursday morning when I started taking shots in downtown San Diego. And it was early on that I realized I needed to change a setting on the camera.
Shot yesterday, much better!
Twas a bright sunny day in San Diego, thus it was a bit difficult to “see” what I was doing in the viewfinder. But I managed to change the setting. However, unbeknownst to me, I accidentally changed the ISO from 100 to 6400. For those of you who don’t understand, it’s not the thing to do in the bright sun. Trust me. My pictures (when blown up) are filled with all kinds of grain/noise. But the bottom line is this. We are to leave our ISO at 100 for every assignment this semester = Not good!
Shot yesterday, makes me so very happy. Meet Tonya, she’s an amazing potter and she down for having her pic taken with her beautiful creation.
Made for a win ~ win, don’t you think?
I knew I was struggling with my shots (in San Diego). Frustration would be an understatement as I was not able to meet my expectations. It did not occur to me to double-check my settings at the time. So I continued going out for three days of getting the same ugly results. It wasn’t until Monday that I realized my big “HUGE” mistake.
Shot yesterday, yea for getting just what I wanted.
Monday was a bitter-sweet day as I reflected on all my hard work and shots that went down the drain. And thoughts of going out another day to get it done right seemed like a huge mountain.
Shot yesterday. I’m so happy I got it done right. Love the little nest up there.
As the realization hit me, it hit pretty hard. And I needed someone right then and there. And the only person I needed right then and there was the hubs. It’s unlike me to call him at work as he’s a busy guy. But I did. I picked up the phone to call the only person in the world who could make everything better.
Shot yesterday, yea for the courage to get right back up!
As he answered the phone, his voice was all it took for me to know all was right with the world. And I said “do you have 5 min”. The hubs “sure my love, what’s up”. My throat became so tight and tears began to trickle down my cheeks as I told him “all about it”.
Shot yesterday – Many thanks to the hubs for making me feel like a million bucks.
And he said “You did your best. Congratulations for finding out on your own what went wrong.” And other encouraging words. Words that my little heart clung to when I felt like I was a complete failure. Words that helped me want to get out there and kick butt and get the 40 shots I need to turn in for my assignment today.
Words that turned my sad heart upside down. I’m so blessed and happy that no matter what, my hubby will always consider me a star.
I’m learning while I’m learning and coming full circle right before the assignment is due, is a wonderful thing.
Blessings – Debbie