Fog in the Garden

Lately, we’ve been hit with a little fog in the early mornings. It’s that sort of dull haze providing a tranquil, quite calm, just before the welcome of sunbeams. I just love this time of the day.

Shot a couple of mornings ago on the upper terrace.

While in the fog, I shot the things that called my name. Like this flower, as it prepares to shed her petals, making room for more to bloom in her wake.

The roses, oh how I love each one.

And the jade plant as it begins to show its buds for a nice winter blossom.

One of my favorite sounds in the garden, is the sound of the waterfall as it tumbles down a series of mini rocky falls, when it reaches the pond as if nothing had occurred.

And shot one of my favorite hobbies in action. I love populating succulents by snapping off leaves to create new plants. The little plants are bigger than the original leaf already!

I feel extra thankful for the little things in life that make a difference.

Blessings – Debbie