What A Weekend Is Made Of

Good evening friends!  I can’t express the amount of joy coming from my being, but know it is there.  The reason?  The blog silence has lifted!

I hate it when I get behind, behind on anything.  When things begin to snowball, I’m left feeling a bit overwhelmed.  And I don’t know why that is and doubt I ever will.  Just know I’m happy to be back!

  • We made progress in the house.
  • I caught up on the blog – 2 months worth of information crammed into approximately 6 posts.
  • We enjoyed the most amazing BBQ brisket ever.  Love those kind of dates with hubby.
  • We indulged with a little sweet serving at Cold Stone, Friday evening.
  • All that and I managed to lose 2.2 pounds this past week!
  • And the icing on the cake – As of this morning, I’m down exactly 50 pounds!
  • Today was relaxing and peaceful around the house.
  • I enjoyed a nice visit with my mom over the phone while sitting out by the pool.  I love that we have such a great connection.  I just wish we didn’t live worlds apart, or so it seems.

Now if I could only attach another day or so to this weekend.  Then again, I’m thankful and blessed for the weekend we were given.

Blessings – Debbie

February Came and Went

This year seems to be moving along at record speeds.  I blinked and February was G.O.N.E.

But we did in fact move into our new home sweet home!  We got the keys on the 15th and the movers arrived and delivered all of our things on 17th.  And we got to spend our very first night here at the new place on Friday the 17th.

That weekend went by so fast and before I knew it, hubby was off on a business trip the following week.

While hubby was gone, I took the time to chill with my girlfriend in Seaport Village, Downtown San Diego.  We enjoyed the best coffee and breakfast.  And we strolled the streets and visited along the harbor.

We even had the trill of watching a couple of ships come in.

That week I came to the realization (after unpacking all of the kitchen boxes) that I was missing the box with the coffee pot.  I made the most of it one morning with a Diet Coke and lime pool side.

Hubby insisted I get my fill of Starbucks each day and also insisted I just go out and replace my old pot.  I did indeed take him up on replacing my pot.  And enjoyed my cup of coffee under this amazing wisteria vine as it sprawls all over the top of the pergola.

While hubby was away, I also went to work on unpacking more boxes and fluffing our new nest.

It’s good to find and be home sweet home!

Blessings – Debbie

Finding Home in February

We pretty much had up until summer to find a place to call home.  Our plan was not to wait until the last-minute to pack, find a place to move and have the stress on us at once.

Rather, our plan was to pack and look and when the right thing came along we would be prepared to “jump” fast.  And that’s pretty much how it went down.

One of our goals was to downsize our things.  We sold our honkin’ dining room and bedroom furniture.  The big heavy stuff we’ve been lugging around for years.  The stuff we grew to call our white elephant.  What a relief to get that behind us.

Our plan was to find a home with a nice open living and dining area aka a great room.  We’ve learned over the years that our “old” dining room suit did not get used nearly as much as we use our pool table.  When push came to shove, we decided it was time for the dining room to go.  And the “plan” was to put our pool table in the dining area.

When the search for a home came into play this was one of the big things we wanted in a home “a great room”.  We were also looking for privacy, peace and quiet.  Lo and behold, we found just the home.  It happened fast and it was love at first sight.

This backyard also had us at hello!

Delighted is how I felt when we got the call that we were welcome to be the new renters of this home.  And I’ve been on a high ever since.

Blessings – Debbie

Our World Revolves Around Home

Whether near or far from home, there is one thing for certain, there is no other place on earth as comforting and soothing as home sweet home.  We depend on it to always be there no matter what.

It’s just the place to find that perfect peace and rest.

It’s the place where love abounds.

Oh there’s no place like home for the holidays.

Where we come to grips with ourselves and life.

A place of refuge like none other.

It’s these times during the holidays and seasons of good cheer when our kitchens are a buzz with all sorts of treats.

And the time of year when weight can creep on like a leach.

Last week I spent many hours in the kitchen preparing for our annual Christmas party.  Many hours went into making sweet treats and an assortment of all kinds of food.

And yes, last week I gained more weight than I care to admit.  But I will, because this blog is about truth and honesty and it’s totally freeing to just get it out in the open.

I gained just under 5 pounds last week.  Eekkk

I truly wanted to go into denial and not weigh in, but that was not the way to move forward.

And it felt like the end of the world.  Like I would never get back to where I once was all those (almost) 5 pounds ago.

However, on this journey, I’m learning more about myself than I have in the past.

I’m learning that our bodies are VERY forgiving!  It’s extremely shocking how forgiving our bodies are, if we get right back up and keep on going in the right direction.

I got right back up after the party was over.  All sweet treats and food was sent away with guests, such that there was not a single thing to tempt me.

And don’t you know, those (nearly) 5 pounds melted off in just 3 days!  I’m still in disbelief, but I also know that this is the way our bodies behave when we get right back to eating healthy.  Thank you Jesus!

I’m going to remember this as we go into the Christmas season.  I may (who am I kidding,) I will put on some poundage over Christmas.  There is no way around it.  There will be fudge, peanut brittle, brunch and dinners to attend and I’m all about being on board with the celebrating.

I love this quote “Most people worry about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, when they really should worry about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas”.

That said, Christmas celebration is in order.  And I know when it’s all over, those pounds too shall drop off just as fast if not faster than I put them on.

As I contemplate the New Year, I look forward to finding complete health, a new place to call home, family trips and continued spice in life.

Blessings – Debbie

From the Kitchen Sink

Last week revolved around the kitchen sink while preparations went into organizing a party in our home Saturday evening.

White elephant gifts were purchased and wrapped for the party.

And candy canes were sprinkled around the tree.

By the time Friday rolled around, the kitchen was in full swing.

On Saturday the kitchen was in complete shock with loads of dirty dishes and mixing bowls piling up.

Hubby in true hubby fashion swooped in and kept the kitchen clean All. Day. Long.  And  just like magic he had everything organized and the hors d’oeuvres and dinner items had name cards in front of each dish.  I love it that our day was completely enjoyable and totally stress free.

Soon the guests began to arrive.

Folks mingled, played pool, the wii and xbox 360.  Hors d’oeuvres were served at 5, dinner at 6 and around 7ish the white elephant  gift exchange commenced and lots of fun was had by all.

But the sad part about the entire evening is this “I have no pictures to show for it”.  The special moments visiting and playing games defined the night.  I was so wrapped up in fun that I was afraid to start taking pix as the moment would have been lost.

Guests stayed and played with us ’til the wee hours of the morning as Texas Holdem’ Poker was the last game played amongst friends.

Hubby and I chilled in the family room ’til around 1am when we both decided it was time for some much needed sleep.  I put blinders on to the huge mess in the kitchen and decided the next day would be the perfect time to handle it.

Sleep soon came, but much too early hubby slipped out of bed Sunday morning.  That’s when I tugged on the covers and with a kiss on my cheek from hubby, I was out like a light ’til 11am.

And just like that when I entered our little world, the house was completely clean and all put back into place.  The dishes and mess in the kitchen was just a memory as hubby totally whirled his magic wand and made the mess disappear.

As I repeatedly thanked him for all of his help, he was thankful for me getting lots of rest and not waking until he had it all cleaned up.  He rocks my world even if he had left it all for me as I try to tell him “It’s my job”.  But I do love his eagerness to surprise me and his desire to make all the days of my life happy.

Blessings – Debbie

About Last Week

Last week was the week when the Christmas Spirit hit.  And this is the way Monday morning took shape.

The sentimental ornaments we’ve collected over the years were all given a special little place to hang.

The nativity nook was created while other areas were decorated.

The stockings were hung and by Thursday, everything had a home.

By the time the weekend rolled around, hubby made big plans to take Friday off and take me into LA for a nice couple day weekend.

We enjoyed amazing views from the Hilton penthouse spa.

Plans were made for Korean BBQ in Korea Town.  We enjoyed this little sit down Friday evening.

This has been a wonderful week all the way around.  It’s nice to have everything in place for this Thanksgiving week.  I’m so ready for it to get here!

Blessings – Debbie

Things That Make Me Happy

Autumn is the time of year when I start to feel that sweep of joy rush right thru me.  There’s something about this special season that kicks off the holidays.  So to kick off my very favorite season, here are a number of things that make me happy.

We’re starting our hunt for another nest to call home for a while.  Today was my very first day out.  Makes me happy!

House #1 has amazing views and such a beautiful patio stretching across the entire back of the home.  The inside of the home was gorgeous as well.  It has a lovely master/master bath with a huge picture window over the jacuzzi overlooking amazing views.  Guest rooms were extra small and no room to accommodate the office.  Another down side, there was no room for the pool table which we don’t want to give up.  Hubby and I both agree, this is a “no”.

While looking for another nest, we continue to enjoy our current views.  Picture taken from the kitchen window.  This makes me happy.

A perfectly spun web on the front porch, made me happy.

I’m Thankful – For the fact that I like cutting my fruit instead of taking big bites out of it.  Totally makes me happy!

Last but not least:  Zig Ziglar motivated me today, he says – “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” I had my early morning hike with an elevation gain of 443 feet this morning.   Thank you for that Dear Zig, I need to remember this daily.  Makes me happy!

Blessings – Debbie

The Night The Lights Went Out

I interrupt our St Louis travel pix with an update to say we’re home sweet home!  Just one day into settling in we were hit with that huge power outage yesterday afternoon.

When the power goes off in San Diego, we party!  Hubby grilled a mean chicken and veggie meal.

 We shot pool before it got too dark and played backgammon by candle light.

We settled in the backyard where we enjoyed the beautiful night sky, cool breeze and bonfire.

This is as close to camping as we get.  What a beautiful night all the way around.

Our emergency radio came in handy.  Hubby posted this to his Facebook status, live as it happened:  “Some reporter just asked the spokesman when they knew there was a problem with the power grid, his response, “when the lights went out”. Bravo Sir, Bravo!”

Our little set-up.

The remains of our bonfire.  What a great way to make the most of our evening.

We were so thankful for the cool evening as it felt like air-conditioning with our bedroom windows open all night.

Sometime during the early morning hours, power returned and all is well in So Cal.

Blessings – Debbie

A Hodge Podge Good Day

“And if you gaze for long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” –Friedrich Nietzsche

I heard the above quote this week and it stuck.  The photo was taken from our backyard, a place I can truly get lost…

All that’s left of this snail is the empty shell.  From the moment I spied this in the backyard, my instinct was to capture it, so I did.

I never tire of the beautiful flowering trees.

Today was a hodge podge kinda day.

  • Met hubby for a short while
  • Picked up my prescription sunglasses – Love the new prescription!
  • Went food shopping
  • Took care of some business around the house
  • Enjoyed another wonderful evening with hubby.  We got our daily dose of shooting pool and backgammon.

I’ll say it’s been an enjoyable day all the way around.

Blessings – Debbie

When Summer Turns To Fall

There’s a great big part of me holding on to these last few cool summer days.  Tuna and pickles, I can’t think of a better way to enjoy this combo.  It spells summer in every way.

Mile high veggies topped with tuna, an all-time favorite summer lunch.

As summer fades to autumn, we’re prepared to turn a new leaf by uncluttering our life.  I put the camera to use taking shots of our dining room furniture.  The time has come for this to go.

Hubby filled my void for china and beautiful furnishings many years ago.  But the more we live with it…move…pack…unpack…and…The more we want to simplify life.  We/I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time to let go of stuff.  The stuff that sits on a shelf and never gets used.

I’m here to announce we are on the threshold of letting go.  To begin to express just how good it feels, would fill the pages of a book.  So I’ll begin by saying, so long, may the next caretaker love you more, use you more and make a nice happy home where you will be appreciated much MUCH more.

The next dining room set will be minus a china cabinet and more suited to fit our needs.

Cheers to letting go!

Blessings – Debbie

What A Wonderful World

A perfect evening is when we’re lounging in jammies, music is softly playing, windows are open, sounds of crickets make up the background and all is right with the world.

Then is when I slipped into the garden for one last visit.

I enjoyed watching this spider go round and round creating the most impressive web.

My heart could not help but smile.

As our head hit the pillow at the end of the day, it was then we heard the most amazing chorus sing the grand finale.  Twas none other than a coyote family howling at the moon.  And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

Blessings – Debbie

Change Is Brewing

The more we move the more I become aware that life and the world as we know it is constantly ever-changing.  That = Life.

I look back just a few short years ago and recall vividly the groove I was in and think to myself “I would never have guessed in a million years that we would be where we are today”.

Then I realize that in just a few short months we will be searching again for a place where we call “home sweet home”.  Our landlord will be selling the home we’re renting.  We won’t be moving far this time.

But for now, I don’t want to miss a thing.  I don’t want a day to close without taking in the blessings that surround me.

Look at the spider.  No matter where his web may lead, he takes care of himself,  just for today.

As I think about changes that are to come, it’s so important to stop and take note of life and where we are today.

Because it’s here and now that matters.

As tomorrow these things will be gone.

May I always look for the blessings surrounding me each and every day.  Tomorrow and the changes that are inevitable will be here soon enough.

Blessings – Debbie

Summer in San Diego

Summer in southern CA is not known for plenty of rain.  In fact, we won’t look for any rain until fall or winter.

It’s a time when all sprinklers need a good check.  Our gardener does such a great job keeping up the garden.

He’s off checking more sprinklers…It was a fun day in the yard (yesterday) as hubby and I were helping out too.  I guess somebody had to be out there taking pictures to document our fun.

Each zone was thoroughly checked to ensure all plants and trees are getting their needs met.

The flowering trees of summer.

And a rose.

A shot of my hand (taken yesterday afternoon) in the healing process.  The pain is gone and the scabs are nearly (picked off) gone by this morning.

While my hands are healing, we’ve taken to walking the trail instead of riding.  We look to have our full gear soon such that we can ride again.

This was taken last evening on the trail.

This was part of our view.

We enjoyed all of this at a cool 75 degrees.

I love Summer in San Diego!

Blessings – Debbie

Happy Independence Day

Hubby has had a nice 4 day weekend.  We are taking advantage of it right around the house.  Chilling together would have to be the thing we enjoy most and if we get to do it at home, even better.  So we’ll be staying in again today doing a little bit of relaxing and crossing a few more things off our to do list.

For lunch, I craved hot and spicy turkey sausage with peppers and onions.  So good!  But I can’t say hubby was into this like me, this was mine all mine.

I’m thankful my hands are healing and I’m able to do so much more than I could do (without my hands hurting) a couple of days ago.

Hubby is still kissing my hands and making them feel all better each day.  I’m thankful for everything he’s done for me this past week.  Things like cut a watermelon open, take me grocery shopping, peal vegetables and cut them up, bandage my wounds when they hurt, kept a clean kitchen even down to cleaning the counters, opened my bottles of water and constantly ask if there was anything he could do.  He never ceases to amaze me and I never want to take his love for me for granted.

Blessings – Debbie

June Happenings

I can’t think of a better way to kick off the month of July than to kick off June from my list of things to do.  I hate being this far behind and only seeing three posts last month has me a bit disappointed.  There is only one way up and that = start where I left off and catch up as much as possible.

Time was spent in the studio creating – this vase stands 21″ tall.

Another creation…

I find the garden to be a soothing place to chill, even if it is for just a short break.  Picture taken just outside my kitchen window.

Fresh summer produce – these guys have already made some amazing strawberry smoothies.

A little statue in the garden – love him.

Time in the studio – one of my favorite pastimes…

Creating what comes to mind…

And letting some things go with the flow…

I started my diet in June and I feel really good with the progress I’ve already made.  Just thought I’d throw that in here somewhere.

Hubby and I spent many hours last month around the pool table.  I’m thrilled he takes the time to help me improve.

Another joy last month was taking pix in the garden and playing with them in Lightroom.

Lightroom fun…

The joy of Lightroom, I can’t seem to get enough.

We’re also busy downsizing.  After much thought and consideration, we came to the conclusion that it’s time to part with our china.  I spent time taking lots of pix for craigslist.  Love that place!

On the evening of June 27th, I had a little accident.

I had a spill off my bike Tuesday evening = Two hands messed up + one very sore knee + 1 scraped up arm + a scrapped up tummy (my stretchy pants did not stay in place).  I think I’m going to be ok.  Hubby says “next time I’m going to have you in full body armor” and I won’t argue with him either.

The above picture was taken after airing my hand 24 hours.  Hubby wanted me to see the Doctor (yesterday), I’m glad I did.  At least we know there’s no infection and the antibacterial soap and prescribed ointment should do the trick.  The Doctor also wanted x-rays of my knee, the results came back normal.  It will take 4 – 6 weeks for my knee to feel happy again.  I certainly can live with that.

Cheers to July 1st, it’s a new month and time to get back on track.

Blessings – Debbie