
Good Afternoon!

A smattering of thoughts on the front burner:

  • The awful pain I experienced last week is g.o.n.e!
  • Although I still have a few more days on the meds
  • My Digital Darkroom Semester is rapidly coming to a close.
  • I’m working on my final.

Here’s an image of a little lady I shot this afternoon.

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I somehow have in my head that bugs would be a pretty cool subject. So after class I purchased a little 3 dollar bag of bugs. Turns out, the real deal is a lot more fun to shoot.

But you never know, I may totally change my mind regarding my subject. But no matter what, I do know I will be shooting with the 105mm Nikon Micro Lens. Love that lens!

  • I’m looking forward to summer
  • Painting my toes and nails in all the fun summer colors
  • Sipping tea, infused with honey and lemon
  • Summer BBQ’s and patio dining
  • Summer salads
  • Gardening
  • Watermelon
  • Special dates with the hubs
  • Planning a summer party in the backyard
  • Taking a summer break from school
  • Having some fun photo shoots (this summer) at various spots in San Diego with my lady friend.
  • And thinking about doing a health update on the blog sometime in June. I turned the corner to good health 2 years ago, this coming June. And all I can say, It’s a great feeling from the inside out.

I’m sure I have a few more fun facts on the front burner, but they will have wait for another day.

Until then…

Blessings – Debbie

Crazy Week of Diverticulitis

It’s been one of those crazy weeks. And it all started sometime during the night on Sunday.

It came swiftly thru the night and attacked my lower abdomen with a severe pain.

Monday morning, I didn’t say anything to the hubs, or anybody for that matter. As I thought to myself.

It has to be a very sore muscle, that sounds about right from the work I had done over the weekend.

As I put one foot in front of the other, the pain would not subside. I continued to tell myself all day, that it was just a muscle.

It was onwards and upwards to school, to work on my project.


That evening, I pretty much sat on the love seat nursing myself and still didn’t say a word to the hubs about it.

Nighttime rolled around and the rest came and went like waves. Rest a little, lay wide awake in pain as I tried to find a comfortable position. All the while wondering if morning would come.

Morning did come! And that is when I told the hubs all about it. Followed by saying “I think I’m going to call my Dr. right away.” The hubs said “Don’t mess around with that, call your Dr. as soon as the office opens.”

And so I did. And the nurse put me on hold and soon I was talking to my Dr. who thought it necessary to be on the phone with me. After asking a series of questions, she said. “I want you to go straight to Urgent Care and do not drive, have your husband drive you”.

As I was calling the hubs, he was getting into work. And he said “Hold on for just a few minutes, I’ll be right there.”

Back to the house he came, ready to do whatever he needed to do to get me back on my feet.

He ushered me into Urgent Care and from there Urgent Care sent me directly to the Hospital/ER.

The hubs took this shot just before my warm blanket arrived.


After the Dr. prodded in a few areas, the decision was made for a CT Scan.

And so it was, I had the hubs by my side, drank the fluids necessary, had an IV going and jumped thru the hoops necessary to have my very first CT Scan. Although I did put a stop to the morfeen they wanted to put into my system. I would much prefer the pain than to have that stuff making me sick to my stomach.

Then I was wheeled away to have a CT Scan look see. It wasn’t bad at all. But the die part was my least favorite. Die was pumped thru the IV and into my system. And the crazy taste and burning sensation all thru my body, even my tongue, was just a little too bizarre.

Soon we knew what was causing all the fuss. I had a case of diverticulitis. Description below taken from Mayo Clinic.

Diverticulitis (di-vur-tik-u-LI-tis) occurs when one or more diverticula in your digestive tract become inflamed or infected. Diverticula are small, bulging pouches that can form anywhere in your digestive system, including your esophagus, stomach and small intestine. However, they’re most commonly found in the large intestine.

Diverticula are common, especially after age 40. When you have diverticula, the condition is known as diverticulosis. You may never even know you have these pouches because they seldom cause any problems, such as diverticulitis.

So that diverticulitis is what has had my attention the last few days. But I’m happy to report it was this, rather than something else.

I’m following strict Dr. orders regarding what I eat. It can be a bit controversial when I see different opinions out there on the web. But I’m doing what I’m told as I would much prefer a bland diet as to have that pain anywhere near me.

Our Tuesday began at 8am with a phone call to my Dr. and ended at 4:30 when we left the ER. I was so happy the hubs insisted to be right there with me all day. I even tried to get him to break for lunch, but he had no part of that. He’s something else and I love him more than he will ever know.

The hubs even stayed home Wednesday to be sure that I was going to be ok. I’m on the mend and feeling so much better today. It is amazing what a lot of rest, meds and diet for this disease, will do for a body. Cheers!

And I leave you a picture from the garden, as it would not be right without a pretty shot.


Blessings – Debbie

A Safari

Last Thursday, friends got together for a day filled with fun and adventure. I think there were 13 of us to be exact.

We were off to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park! Such a pretty place where special animals get to call home.


You never know what will be around the next corner.


But I can tell you, African music and ambience set the tone for a great day.


Off we go!


First stop = Feed these beautiful creatures.


such fun!


I believe we were on the receiving end of this.


Wouldn’t you agree?


Sheer joy experience.


I had no clue at the beginning of our journey that we would come face to face like this.


One thing is certain. This guy enjoyed our visit too.


By guys, see you around!



We got to greet a baby! This little guy was just 8 weeks old and weighing in at approx 200 lbs.


Time for breakfast!


We got a little chuckle at the male lying in the mud. He was rolling around making his call of the wild for all the ladies. And letting all the males in the area know who’s boss.





I’m still in awe…


The next guy we got to feed was a rhino. How cool is that?


We also enjoyed giving a friendly pet.


And then we said goodbye. Sorry buddy, you finished all the apples.




Total joy ride…







We were fascinated with the length of his tongue and how he used it to secure his food.


What a great day to remember.


When our Safari journey came to an end, we made our way to lunch. Tables were arranged with tablecloths (specifically for our group) overlooking the valley and beautiful scenery.

I have no picture to share, but the memory is lodged in my mind, never to forget.

Blessings – Debbie



My next assignment is due in a couple of weeks. We’re working on “pano” and learning how to stitch pictures together. I have a total of 3 pano projects to turn in.

Here’s one of the projects I started this morning.


The above shot consists of 12 shots taken portrait style = 3 rows x 4 across. I’m delighted with the way it came together. The above image, needs a bit more processing, but at least it kinda shows what I’m up to.

Below is another pano. I just finished stitching this guy together. Unlike the shot above, this image consists of 5 shots (portrait style) stitched together to make a nice long pano.

I’m not happy with the image below, so I believe I will give it another shot this week.


This assignment is teaching me a lot, as each pano assignment is a little different, unique and fun. I can’t wait to let my right brain run free on the third pano assignment. It’s the pano/image that’s going to be the most artistic, infused with a bit of serendipity as I like to think of it. And I can’t wait to get started putting those pieces together.

I feel blessed (little by little), that I’m able to grasp what the professor wants to see in our images. On that note, it’s back to work.

And if you were here yesterday, I’m happy to report “I’m back to my normal happy self.”

Blessings – Debbie

I Felt Less Than A Flower

When I didn’t want to get up and go to class today. We (the hubs and I) have so many exciting things on our plate and the last thing I wanted to do today, was go to school.

I’m a little shocked at myself as I love my class. This semester ROCKS! I have the best teacher! And the things I’m learning in class blow my mind.

But it was just one of those days where I just wanted to stay home.

I’m so happy my hubby knows me well. He knew if I skipped class, that I would beat myself up for it. So he talked me into going. Thank you, My Love!

I felt less than a flower when a gal tailgated me for miles on my way to class. I couldn’t shake her from my bumper for the life of me.

I felt less than a flower when a student picked an argument with me over a term I used. The frustrating thing, is the term I used had nothing to do with the point I was trying to make. It was just a word in my sentence. Wish I had used another word before I got to the point I was trying to make. The other frustrating thing about the whole thing is – that student interrupted the conversation between me and another student. Interrupted me while I was trying to talk to the other student. And completely had me frazzled before class even started.

I felt less than a flower when I had a difficult time understanding a procedure during lab today. At that point, I had completely shut down. I could have burst into tears, as the wall holding them back nearly broke.

There were a couple of other things that happened, things that made me feel less than a flower. But I can’t think of a good way to spell it out on the blog.

Indeed, I felt less than a flower. I felt more like a weed.

To make things better, my buddy Sarah and I set out on a photography shopping trip. We had a nice lunch date. And completely chilled and enjoyed our visit. It was refreshing.

I may have felt like a weed today, but what makes me bloom is when my dearest catches wind that I had a difficult day. He just called to listen, as he wanted me to tell him all about it. He’s the best!

It’s days like this that make me realize that no matter what, I have friends and the dearest husband who really care.

It dawned on me when I got home, to shoot a picture of a weed. It’s how I felt. So I went out searching for my very own personal weed. I love what I discovered blooming amongst the thorns and thistles. In fact, I had to mush out all the thistles and weeds surrounding this beauty to get this shot.

You know how you know, when something is right? When you feel it in your gut that this is it? That’s exactly how I felt when I discovered this guy. Made my heart sing.


I may have felt like a weed most of the day, but I’m thankful to enter the afternoon and evening on such a happy note.

Blessings – Debbie

A Smattering

I’m sorry to say, but this post is all over the place. Just wanted to let you know up-front.

It’s been a busy last three weeks.

A good but busy last three weeks.

An overwhelming last three weeks, as my classes are getting more and more involved. But I’m hanging in there. Learning a lot. And hanging on for dear life. Or so it seems when I get overload.

And really looking forward to summer.

This shot was taken on one of our drives/errand date filled weekends. 3 weeks ago ish? It’s a wonderful weekend to remember.


I love coffee and I love surprises – The hubs surprised me with this really cool thermos early April. Love the rubber grips + I really enjoying drinking out of this guy in photography class.


It appears we are going thru another downsize. It was time for the pool table and light to go. Thank you Craigslist for pulling thru again!


A lot of spring cleaning is in order this time of the year. But I took a rest in Photoshop to do a fun edit on this shot that I took weeks ago.


Below is one of the before and after shots I worked on in Photoshop class. The lesson called for us to use an old photo in need of help.

I’m thinking she is my Great, Great Grandma? The black and white on the left is the finished product.

There were many hours involved as the detail was brought back. If you enlarge the shot, you will notice the detail in her hair, face, hands, eyes, glasses, jewelry, buttons, folds in her dress and scarf and the detail on the chair. As well as touching up the background. This took upwards of 8 hours hand drawing the detail via mouse attached to the computer. I found this work therapeutic.


My latest assignment calls for stitching together 5 photos to make a large pano. This is just one of the 5 to be stitched together.

I can’t wait to see how this looks with all the pieces in place.


So today I worked a bit more from a different place. I like this spot.

I particularly like how the sun only sprinkled the wild flowers with golden light.


This fallen tree caught my eye.


As did this flower.


And just like that, I’m calling the blog caught up. Whether it’s all caught up or not. And I feel a great sense of relief getting this off my chest. And I feel a little guilty that this post is harsh and broken into many directions. But it’s a little reminder of some of the things I/we’ve been up to.

The things that make me happy today.

  1. I went to the grocery for the second time in two days. I know, right? But I’m happy to have the ticket item (I forgot yesterday) for the hubs tonight.
  2. Laundry is nearly caught up, just one load to fold.
  3. The blog is semi caught-up.
  4. I think I have enough shots to complete my rather large assignment – due in 2 weeks. Makes me extra happy.

Thank you for checking in. I trust you are well and having a wonderful week.

Blessings – Debbie

Breaking the Silence

I interrupt the silence because, well because, I’m so far behind and there is so much to report since I last updated.

The last I checked, I was just getting ready for my spring break. That was 3 weeks ago! And during spring break, so many things happened.

For starters, I asked my girlfriend if I could have a photoshoot with her beautiful children. She said YES!

So we met at the local park where we spent hours playing.


This cutie had me wrapped right around his bitty finger.


We had a blast playing on the jungle gym!


Bubbles were blown and carefully watched as they drifted away.


And lots of fun was had, as this little princess loved to pose.


Made for some great shots.


She was up for anything I suggested AND she loved it!


Random special moments, frozen in time.


Balloons were passed out as the first fun gift. The little man thought I was pretty cool for bringing balloons. And his big sister felt like she was at the fair.

The little guy worried the balloon would pop!


Sweetness as she watches the little brother.


Then I passed out the lollipops at the end of the photoshoot. It seemed the thing to do as I wanted to give one last treat as a Great Big thank you for helping with my assignment.


The little guy said “this is my favorite lollipop in the whole world” – Not to mention he gave the best hugs and unexpected kisses “on the lips” of all things! What’s a girl to do?


My heart overflows with so much love for my sweet friends.


And I can’t thank them enough for giving me a shot.


And that wraps up a little of what happened 3 weeks ago.

Blessings – Debbie

Kick Up a Heal or A Tail Feather – And Ring In Spring Break

Good Monday to you! I thought I would have a chance to scoot over and post the new do over the weekend. Turns out, I spent every last drop of time with the hubs.

We enjoyed a couple of dates and had the best QT a given weekend can bring.

Here’s a shot of the new do. My neck is enjoying the cool So Cal breeze.

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I’m kickin’ up my heels for Monday!

And caught this guy kickin’ up his heels this morning too.


And passing out high-five’s as well.


The bird, just outside my window had his tail feather up for the day as well.


It’s a day of kicking up heels and tail feathers or what ever there is to kick up, as I’m officially on Spring Break!

I have some fun things planned and looking forward to diving further into photography.

Happy Monday!

Blessings – Debbie

I’m All Better Now

Something has bothered me for an entire week. And there was not one thing I could do about it.

That is, until today.


The week of frustration was this hair on the back of my neck.


I made a panic call to my salon last week and my girl was booked solid all week. Thoughts crossed my mind, more than once, to take matters into my own hands. Luckily memories  from times past kept me away from doing too much harm. I did some chopping on my bangs (I was trying to grow them out too) this week. I can’t help myself.

The hair cutting frenzy and frustration happened the moment the weather changed. When our temps reach up into the mid 70’s. That’s the precise moment I realized long hair and me do not blend in the spring and summer months. Not that it was hot, but goodness my neck was so hot from all the hair pooled around it.

I took these shots right before my appointment today. I’ll share the after shots tomorrow.

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True Story: I woke in the middle of the night last night and had a hard time going back to sleep. It all had to do with the excitement of feeling real fresh air on my neck again.

Another True Story: I told hubby this morning that I was getting this hair cut off my neck today. He said “you better”. I love that he rolls which ever way the wind blows.

Cheers to this amazing beautiful fresh air and the upcoming weekend! I’m all better now.

Blessings – Debbie


I’m glad it’s spring! You?


My body is well-adjusted to the time change and I’m loving the longer lighter days.

The photos in this post represent spring around our house.

All images were shot with the Micro Nikkor 105mm 2.8 lens – today


Yesterday was my last day of class before spring break next week.

Easter is here already? I thought it was just Christmas.

The pages this year seem to be turning at record speeds. And I can’t believe that 1/4 of the year is almost gone. The hubs and I were just talking about that last weekend.

This semester is by far my favorite school semester. EVER!

It’s the little things in life that I find fascinating.


I now have my new favorite teacher. EVER! Perhaps it has something to do with me enjoying the subject and wanting to glean everything that comes out of his mouth. But boy is he a great teacher. As a student, it is obvious that he truly cares about his students, he’s passionate about teaching and wants each of us to do well.

I could say my new favorite thing is photography. Then again, hasn’t it been for quite sometime? It’s a rare day that I don’t pick up my camera and shoot.

And it makes me happy that I have something as small as a camera that provides such joy while my hubby is off to work.

Having the opportunity to do what I love and love what I do, is something I never want to take for-granted.

I already have two photography dates set up for next week, during my spring break.

The joy-bells continue to ring, Happy Spring!

Blessings – Debbie

Cheers To…

What’s up? I hope all of you are having a lovely week.

Our weekend was kick back relaxing. I love those kind of weekends with the hubs. It’s the times when coffee is sipped slowly, games are enjoyed together, long visits with the hubs and vacation planning with family was discussed = all around quality time shared leisurely together. It’s these weekends together that make us long for retirement, when we can spend every day together.

On Monday, I had another great class. I’m learning such amazing new things. I know I’ve said this before, but really, each class builds from the last. And I’m beyond excited to learn how to better process my photos.

Yesterday my head was about to explode from information overload. And I get to go back for more tomorrow. How exciting is that?

We shipped my camera in (last week) for a little sensor cleaning and to have another issue looked at. All week I seemed to struggle as I tugged my old camera off the shelf. While I took a few shots, it was hard to really get into it as I soon realized how much I missed my Nikon.

But I learned something in that short span of time. I learned that I have a greater appreciation for it, as the absence was quite painful.

So cheers to having my Nikon back in my hands today! It’s 100% clean and healthy and all set to shoot again.

I had it out of the box in no time, attached my new favorite lens and was taking pix in less than two shakes of a lambs tail. It’s true, that is all I wanted to do when I opened the box.

My heart nearly went pitter pat when I saw this big guy buzzing all over the wisteria. This guy also showed me who’s boss. I shot when I had the chance and ran when I got the vibe that he was out to get me. Did you know that the buzz of this guy drowns out the buzz of a bee. I mean, he sounds like a jet engine for goodness sakes. Scary to think I was this close. No humans were stung during the shooting of this guy.


Cheers to relaxing weekends, learning and enjoying my camera now more than ever – if that’s possible.

Blessings – Debbie

Growing Pains

As a student, I experience growing pains. I want to get it. And I want so badly to absorb everything that is tossed my way. And some days my brain is so full, to the point I feel my brain shut down.

And I get the deer in the headlights look. What?


While I’m keeping up in class and jumping thru the hoops the professor requires, I just don’t “get it”. In other words, I’m doing things to be doing them but I still feel like I lack understanding behind it.


Then there are the days when the light bulbs begin to go off. Like yesterday when Sarah suggested we get together for a lunch date after class and then cruise over to her house to give me a hand with my Digital Darkroom (Photoshop) troubles. She rocks!

I left her home yesterday having experienced another huge break thru. Thank you Sarah!


And while I gained a bit more knowledge, I still have such a long way to go. And I don’t claim to know it all yet.

As with anything, there will always be room for growth in photography and making good images.

Our next assignment is all about humans. And I panic wondering if I can find the right person and create an image worthy of presentation.

While I put a lot of pressure on myself, I think it’s that pressure that drives me. So I’m using myself these days for practice as I learn how to better edit the photos I take in RAW.

Cheers to the lightbulb moments and those dear friends and loved ones along the way to encourage.

My dearest hubby listened to me jabber for nearly 30 min, if not longer. And he shared in my excitement as I told him all about my day, last evening. I was a ball of excitement with so much to share and it makes me happy that he cares and takes interest in my passion. He’s the best!

Blessings – Debbie

Feeling Colourful

Good day my friends! All I can say is – “this time change makes me so very happy!”

Cheers to an alarm that works, a nice hot shower, a mug to hold coffee, and photography class bright and early. Oh what a good day!

And since I’m feeling colourful, here I am (7:20am) as I arrive to class with my mug of coffee, ready to start this lovely day.

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Recall the excitement I shared about my day in the hills (last Thursday) shooting? As it turns out, none of those shots work for the assignment. But I do have another shot that I would like to share from that day.

The old Farmall Tractor that once could…

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Below is my choice #2 – It is printed, matted and ready for critique Wednesday.

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 And here is my choice #1 – This guy is printed and ready for critique as well.

Foreground 005

Looking forward to critique and seeing what the other students present.

It’s times like this when the assignment is complete that the best feeling washes over me.

But I can’t let it rest as I already have a head start on my next assignment due in about 3 weeks.

This class rocks!

Blessings – Debbie

A Desperate Photographer

Those are the words I uttered to the hubs while I was trying to figure out where I would shoot today.

But before I talk about today, I’ll back up to yesterday.

Yesterday my shutterbug buddy (“Sarah” ) and I thought it would be a great idea to get out and shoot together.

Meet “Sarah” , I’ve talked about her a few times on the blog and here she is again.

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I’m in awe of the images she captures. She and her hubs are amazing professional photographers.

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And I feel blessed that I had the privilege of meeting them and becoming friends. We had a ball of fun.

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I thought it would be fun to play with one of the shots I took, you know, take it over the top in Photoshop like so. Made me happy.

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After our nice little outing that consisted of lunch, a stop by Sarah’s house and a nice photoshoot, it was time to call it a day.

But for some reason, I could not for the life of me figure out what to shoot for our foreground/background assignment. While I have all 40 shots ready to turn in, two of them need to stand out above the rest.

I have one in the bag, but I still needed “The One” to make that a total of two for critique.

I fretted all night. Woke this morning fretting and wondering, where should I go.

I was in favor of our nice cloudy skies but the choices that rolled around in my head included:

  • The Beach
  • Pier
  • Boats
  • The Hills

Head for the HILLS! It washed over me when I saw a beautiful picture on the weather channel, it’s right where I wanted to go, the great big hills with deep dark clouds.

This is the path. And I drove deep into the hills. Up into the clouds. And all felt right with the world.

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Soon I had the urge to make a turn off the beatin’ path, so I did. I found myself  winding my way down a road I had never been.

And came upon a really cool antique car junk yard.

The security gate was WIDE open, so I pulled in.

I had no worries because my camera was with me. It’s fun being a photographer because we have a really GOOD excuse when we are where we may or may not belong.

My car was the only “civil” car on this huge chunk of land. Soon I hit the locks on my car and away I went.

Only I got stopped in my tracks just a few steps out. It was an elderly woman coming towards me from the gate on the other side of my parked car.  Long story short, turns out I was standing on a chunk of her 18 acres.

Oops I uttered under my breath *with a great big friendly smile* I squared my shoulders and said –

Good day! What a beautiful place you have. I’m a budding photographer in school with a really big assignment. I see you have an amazing tractor in the distance, may I take some shots of your tractor? It would make a lovely image. I also noticed the old cars way over there on the other side, what great shots they would make. May I take some shots of the cars too?

The nice woman said – You are free to shoot this tractor by the barn and that tractor in the distance. I also have a windmill, you are free to shoot that too. But that’s about all. That land with the antique cars is rented, so I can’t give you permission to go over there.

I thanked her kindly and wished her a lovely day before I set out to shoot.

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The woman didn’t say anything about this lone car out on the dusty road on the way out to shoot the windmill, so I took the shot, in fact, many.

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In the distance, I could see dust stirring from a truck heading my way. As the truck approached, I stepped over to the side of the narrow dirt road. The truck slowed and came to a stop, right next to me.

Down went the window of a young man looking at me rather puzzled. I broke the silence stating I met the nice woman up the way…

With a grin crossing his face he said “she’s my grandma”.

I explained to him that she had given me permission to shoot some pictures on her property.

He exclaimed “Take your time, it’s ok”.

And I wished him a lovely day and thanked him for his generosity AND for taking such good care of his grandma.

Oh the pictures I snapped. And the thought that such lovely folks let me on their property to shoot brought a smile and added joy to my day.

Now to sift thru a boatload of pictures to figure out which one to use for the assignment.

I feel blessed.

Blessings – Debbie

A Pain In My Back Side

Here it is, already Tuesday.

I left the blog hanging last Thursday. I was under the weather, remember?

And I wanted so badly to feel better such that the hubs and I could get out and hike over our 3 day weekend.

Truth be told, I was physically in pain. Pain caused from over doing it while taking pictures last week.

Goodness knows the many ways I twisted myself while holding the camera still to capture 1,000’s of fun shots, literally. And you know I looked silly in the process. And you should know, the more awkward I look while taking the shot, the better.

So I woke last Thursday with the most outrageous gripping pain in my left shoulder-blade. Pain that seemed to grip the left side of my body. Pain that shot thru my body, All. Day. Long.

I really hoped and crossed my fingers that I would be able to sleep it off Thursday night.

But I woke Friday and it was still there. Saturday, it was still there. Sunday it was still there, but about 80% better.

Hot ~ HOT showers and lots of stretching, those were my physical friends.

So I picked up the camera and started fooling around with it.

I shot a few cents, for what it’s worth. This shot was taken Saturday on a tripod. I was rational, thinking as long as I didn’t hold the camera it was ok to shoot, so I did.


More pocket change.


Since I was feeling a bit better on Sunday, I made my way to the blossoms minus a tripod. I thought I was feeling well enough to shoot again.


And squatted down low for shots like this.

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In no time, I had taken well over 100 shots, but the sad thing is that my body was feeling it once again.

And the moment I walked back into the house, I said “why did I just do that”! I was so upset with myself while the pain creeped in like a thief stealing my joy.

More HOT showers, more stretching and more frustration followed.

But I can say, I did not lift the camera yesterday.

Have not touched it today.

And it sits there taunting me and it’s hard to just let it be.

I’d say I’m right at around 90% today and getting better and better as the days go by. The key is giving my muscle time to fully heal before I put the camera in gear.

One thing that I can report, the hubs and I had the most amazing weekend at home.

We didn’t leave the house.

Our jammies stayed on for three whole days and it felt GREAT!

All that to say, I hope I learned my lesson. And I plan to start building a few more back muscles such that I can strike and hold whatever poses I want, while capturing what I find amazing on the other side of the lens.

Blessings – Debbie